Ask The Coach Show #127 - Mental Muddle

9 years ago

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Drill of the Week - 2:01

Lazy Falkenberg

Yesterday's #PQOTD - 3:55 

Can Mima Ito each No. 1?

#PQOTD - 6:25

How long have you been playing Table Tennis?

Improving all the Time - 7:12

Brock: I have improved a lot and I am one of the best in my school right now :)

Mental Muddle - 8:30

Jaydev: I play very well without doing that much exercising, on the other day I play better after doing good exercises. The reverse is true. Sometimes I play well even when exhausted, What is all this mess, I can't understand. Please give me your insights

Playing as a Blocker - 10:47

Johnny: I’ve watched some 'blockers' matches, and I found their playing interesting. I'm wondering if you've got any tips for playing as a blocker, and is the 'blocker' style effective?

Mesmerised by the Ball - 13:43

Ilia: I only react if the fast ball is coming into my hitting zone or nearby. Typically I stand in my backhand corner I see that my opponent is going to topspin to my wide forehand, but instead of moving to forehand I'm mesmerized by the ball and opponent.

Backhands in Matches - 16:11

Pradeep: While practicing stroke I find myself quite comfortable executing my backhand. But during game when my opponent blocks , or drive on my backhand I find my backhand return stuck to the net most often.

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