Ask The Coach Show #137 - Attacking Medium Long Balls

9 years ago

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ITTF Australian Open - 1:10

We give an update on the Australian Open before we head up to commentate on the finals.

Last #PQOTD - 2:37

Is Japan the next big thing in Table Tennis?

#PQOTD - 4:10

If you had a whole lot of money what racket would you buy?

Benefits of being a training partner - 4:49

Dieter: I don't have a question really but want to share an observation. you learn probably just as much by helping out someone else as when doing your own drills. So here's my message: be generous to serve as a sparring partner. You'll learn just as much.

Good Match Player - 7:17

Tam: Hi Alois I play well on matches but when it comes to doing drills I perform a lot worse could you explain this?

Thumb on the Racket - 9:15

Kailash: I have been advised by him to fold my thumb and not place it on the rubber like all the players do. i have also seen that folding my thumb does not allow me to generate enough spin. But this folding has given me much control on my smashes.

Attacking Medium Backspin Balls - 11:25

Johnny: I’m having problems attacking backspin balls that aren't short or long, like a mid distance ball. With long backspin I can comfortably topspin it, and with short backspin I can flick. So with this mid distance ball, should I topspin or flick?

Links in this Episode

ITTF Australian Open

How To Hold a Table Tennis Bat