Ask The Coach Show #138 - World Tour Australian Open

9 years ago

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Australian Open - 1:25

Results and our thoughts on the tournament.

Last #PQOTD - 11:22

If you had a whole lot of money what racket would you buy? - 11:22

#PQOTD - 14:16

What was the standout performance at the World Tour Australian Open?

Superstitions - 14:56

Nigel: What superstitious ritual prior to a match helped you play your best?

Return Board Training - 17:37

Donato: I have a table in my garage and since is hard to find a partner in this period, I thought to train with a return board. What do you think about it, could be useful or would be better to buy a robot? (just to remember I am a beginner).

Playing in a Club - 19:19

Miguel: I love playing table tennis but I only play at my school. I have no table at home and now on vacation will not play much. I have a park with tables near me. Do you recommend I go there or sign up at a club? What do you think of the clubs.

Strength Training - 20:51

Dieudonné: Hi, dearest Jeff and Alois. What kind of muscle exercises do you recommend for a topspin-oriented player?

Links in this Episode

Australian Open Results

Men's Singles Fun Facts

Women's Singles Fun Facts

Watch the Australian Open on itTV