Ask The Coach Show #143 - Win a Quarterly Premium Membership

9 years ago

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Alois Talks About the Spanish Open - 0:55

Alois had a great time and met some PingSkillers at the Spanish Open.

Last #PQOTD - 4:48

What is your favourite style of player to play against?

#PQOTD - 8:23

Who will win the Japan Open? Pick the Men's and Women's Singles winners and the game margin for your chance to win a Quarterly PingSkills Premium Membership.

Playing a Good Blocker - 14:11

Brock: I met my rival today and he won but the problem is that he has been training TT in 25 years and he's a scary powerful blocker and great aim on every time he does his strokes, he both loop on my BH and FH, I try short heavy backspin but he blocked, help :)

Effective Attackers - 15:29

Ismail: How to play as an effective attacker? What strategies should I use?

Becoming a Professional Table Tennis Player - 17:44

Qamar: I want to be professional table tennis player just started playing after a long time. Can you suggest me some of initial things about the practice and key points to work on.

Effect of Anti-Spin and Long Pimples - 20:37

Chee Keat Ong: Last time i told you guys on your channel's comments that my coach wants me to use a pimple bat but he changed his mind and let me have an anti-spin bat. But i wanted to ask you guys what is the difference between an anti-spin bat and a pimple bat. 

Links in this Episode

Japan Open

Match Strategy Course - for premium members

Effects of Rubbers