Ask The Coach Show #144 - Japan Open Pick the Winners

9 years ago

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Last #PQOTD - 2:00

Pick the Winners of the Japan Open Men’s and Women’s singles

Japan Open - 3:30

We discuss the results to date and Ma Long's exit from the tournament.

#PQOTD - 5:54

What is your favourite Country in the world to visit?

Plastic Balls - 6:21

Mike: Hi guys, welcome back! Last week I played with a plastic ball which I found to be much slower, less power which had more of an impact on my game than the different sound it produced. What do you guys think of the plastic ball on the game of table tennis?

Playing Offensively with Defensive Blade - 10:36 

Diego: I was wondering if players can use offensive rubbers and play offensively when using a defensive blade?.....just wondering

Robot Simulating High Balls - 12:17

DK: Recently I recognised that I am quite good at returning topspin, but I have problems with returning a high ball or a spinless attack. Do you have any idea how to use my robot to simulate these shots?

Who calls “Let" - 14:31

Joseph: If you serve a let, who shouts let? is it me, my opponent or does the umpire shout let?

Links in this Episode

Japan Open

Plastic Ball Review

Choosing a Table Tennis Bat

Multiball Course - for premium members (one free video)