Pressure #274

8 years ago

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Welcome to Ask the Coach Show #274 where we discuss Pressure.

Prologue - 0:00

Alois talks about how pressure can affect everyone

The Greatest Comeback - 2:30

We take a look at the Quarter Final match of the 2005 World Championship in China between Michael Maze and Hao Shuai.

Jeff Talks About Pressure - 13:08

Jeff gives a quick recall about how pressure affected him differently when he was an Adult compared to when he was a Junior.

Tip of the Week - 15:30

We discuss what a pre-point routine is and how you can develop one.

Drill of the Week - 20:43

Third Ball Under Pressure

Remember When - 23:19

We're going all the way back to the start of August. :) This is when the ITTF released a new form of Table Tennis called TTX.

Tournament Wrap - 32:57

With the Olympics well under way we discuss the format of the Singles events in Rio.

Thoughts as You Approach a Victory - 37:39

Grenville: In a particular match when I was up 2-0 and on match point (10 -7), I actually lost the match 2-3 and I wanted to know what should be a players thoughts should be when they are approaching the win.

Keeping The Feeling Alive - 41:32

Marcin: After a long rally I lost the good feeling I had been having till that point and from being up in the match I ended up losing. How can I keep the good feeling alive?

Showing Excitement - 43:11

Tushar: Do you think that showing our excitement after every point increases our chances of winning?

Attacking a Long Pimple Push - 44:45

Yap: I have a problem when attacking a long pimple push because it is very low. Should I play a topspin against backspin stroke to attack the ball?

Playing Against a Chopper With Long Pimples - 45:53

Sumit: How can I lift a heavy backspin ball that a defender with long pimples has hit to me? The ball comes back with so much backspin that it is very difficult to return.

Recovering From Backhand Loop - 48:51

Daniel: When I do a backhand loop, I find it hard to recover from the finish position. If I try to automatically transition from it my stroke doesn't turn out as efficient. How do I effectively transition?

PingSkiller Mail - 50:22

We discuss some of the mail we received regarding Show #273 - Table Tennis at the Olympic Games.


Links in this Episode

Michael Maze vs Hao Shuai - Best Table Tennis Comeback EVER

The ITTF YouTube Channel

TTX World

PingSkills Sports Psychology Course

Live Results from Rio 2016

Men's Singles Draw at the Rio Olympics 2016

Women's Singles Draw at the Rio Olympics 2016