Show #161 - Multiball Training

9 years ago

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On This Day - 1:00

Rio Olympic Games are in 1 Year plus other exciting events

Singapore - 2:05

Chee: Do you know that this Sunday is Singapore's 50th birthday?

Last #PQOTD - 2:30

Do you use multi-ball for your training?

#PQOTD - 6:40

What is bigger, the World Championships or Olympic Games for Table Tennis?

Hitting A Flatter Forehand - 7:17

Noel: Hello and welcome back coaches! I am creating some bad habits that I would like to fix. It seems that every ball I want to topspin, I brush it to vertical and not flat enough for speed. How can I hit more flatter?

Shoulder Troubles - 9:51

Noel: One more question, gentlemen. What do you do for an aching shoulder? I've been playing lots of table tennis and it's taking it's making my shoulder hurt. Should stop for a week or two?

How To Do a Dead Ball Chop - 11:34

Hao: I would like to ask what we should do when we are chopping in order to create a no spin ball. Many Thanks!

Practice Mindset - 13:03

Dakota:  After 8 matches at my first USTTA tournament, I have been able to let go of my desire to win practice matches. do you think that having a greater desire to win practice matches over the desire to improve inhibits people from getting better?

Backspin Smash - 16:50

Jared: I recently played an opponent who would smash high balls with backspin/sidespin by pulling is racket down on the ball while smashing. As i have never played against this before it was extremely difficult to adjust to. What do you recommend?

Favourite Serves - 19:33

Chee: Jeff and Alois, what serve would you use last time when you were in competitions?

Links in this Episode

Multiball Course

Forehand Topspin Against Block

Forehand Chop

Forehand Smash

Pendulum Serve - for premium members

High Toss Serve - for premium members

Alois in Action with the High Toss Serve