Show #166 - Serving Strategy

9 years ago

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Last #PQOTD - 2:01

Will Zhu Yuling win the 2016 Olympic Women's singles?

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When does enough training become too much?

Throwback Thursday - 4:35

Fast Pushing Master Class

Serve Patterns - 7:04

Aryaman: During a match, Is it really important to execute a serve randomly or in a definite pattern or manner? Can you tell me a serve which is ideal for both the state level as well as national level player.

Contact Point for Serve - 11:05

Il: When I serve is the point of the contact on the ball exactly in front of the body? Or not always?

Forehand Flick for Top Players - 13:35

Tam: Hi PingSkills, why do the top players only backhand flick or touch serves that come to their forehand and not forehand flick?

Rosskopf’s Service Grip - 15:03

Marcin: Jorg Rosskopf used a different grip for the pendulum serve. He had all his fingers spread out on the backhand side rubber. Is there someone else doing this grip now? When I tried it, it felt pretty good. Extremely stable. Are there disadvantages?

Links in this Episode

Fast Pushing Master Class

Watch the Top Players on itTV

Zhu Yuling on Spinified

Serving Secrets Course

Pendulum Serve Index Finger Position

Backhand Sidespin Flick