Show #169 - Making Kids Cry

9 years ago

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Last #PQOTD - 2:39

What is the strangest thing you have seen on a TT court?

#PQOTD - 7:05

How often do you change your equipment?

Throwback Thursday - 7:30

Match Analysis - Carter v Kek

Diet - 11:11

Brian: Do you guys have any diets when preparing for tournaments? I've always had the right exercise plans, but i don't know what to eat.

Other High Toss Serves - 13:13

Ilia: Have you ever seen someone doing a high toss backhand or reverse pendulum serve?

Training Schedules - 14:19

Lakshya: We have not too much time to train, only 2-2:30 hours to play. In that time we have to do physical too. So how do we manage time? We don't have a good coach so how do we improve ourselves?

Reverse Backhand Penhold and Wrist Strength - 17:35

Manikantan: I'm a Penhold RBP player and find heavier bat setup very hard to play with. Is there anything you would recommend to increase wrist-strength ?

Table Tennis Etiquette - 19:19

Brian: Is there proper etiquette when playing? I know how to act while playing tennis or golf, but not table tennis.

Throwing Ball Vertically - 22:00

Il: How many degrees is the legal rule for throwing of the ball in the air when the player serves?

Bent Wrist - 24:04

Sebastian: When Im play forehand my wrist is bent down, plus I’m left handed so i'm adding a lot of sidespin to the ball and I’m having problems playing down the line. But it will take months to learn it the right way. Do you have any tips?

Change Grip or Bat - 27:07

Christopher: I use a Donic Dotec blade with an ergonomic handle which I really like but when I change from forehand to backhand I turn my bat slightly closed, and I feel it doesn't sit right in my hand, should I change my technique, my bat or persevere?

Peace from Algeria

Ramzi: Hey there ! Guys its me Ramzi from last year if you remember just checking you out and you helped me a lot i have become a little better and keep on the fantastic work ! Peace from Algeria

Links in this Episode 

Carter V Kek Match Analysis

PingSkills Vault to store tactics

Nutrition for Table Tennis by Dr. Chandra MADHOSINGH

Training Plan

Training Drills

Training Secrets Course

Correcting Errors - for premium members

Karate Kid II Drum Scene

Almost Vertical Rule in the Handbook for Match Officials - See the bottom of page 14 for the explanation

High Toss Serve - for premium members