Show #268 - Table Tennis Ball Speed

8 years ago

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Friday Funnies - 1:14

Bobby Charlton was asked how he thought the England team of 1966 would have fared against Iceland. Plus, a ham sandwich walks into a bar!

Last #PQOTD - 3:02

Have you ever tried playing Table Tennis outdoors and how was it?

#PQOTD - 6:33

Who is the best doubles partner you have ever had?

Waldner in His Prime - 7:21

Viktor: I've decided to put Waldner #6 in the rankings if he were in his prime. What do you think? Did I put him in the right spot? I just don't think Waldner even in his prime wouldn't have a chance against our top 5.

Average Ball Speed - 8:57

Fesih: What is the the average speed of the ball (kmh) in the professional table tennis match?

Playing Medium Pimples - 13:01

Shaun: Is playing against medium pimples the same as playing against long pimples? If not what's the strategy for playing against medium pimples?

Out Ball - 15:19

Divan: I would like to know the following- If my opponent hits the ball out past the table and I hit it back before it bounces and that ball is in. Does the play go on? Or do i get the point because my opponent hit it out first.

Links in this Episode

Outdoor Table Tennis in Texas

Table Tennis Rules Video

Dimitrij Ovtcharov Smash Speed

World Fastest Smash Competition