Show #284 - Consistency Equals Confidence

7 years ago

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In today's show we talk about the importance of developing the basic strokes and gaining consistency with them. The more times you hit the ball on the table the more confident you will be in a match situation. We also answer some very interesting questions.

On This Day - 0:50

Patrick Franziska and Danny Seemiller have birthdays this week!

Joke of the Week - 3:40

Q: Why did the angry Jedi cross the road?

Tip of the Week - 4:36

Make sure you cover off on the basic strokes.

Drill of the Week - 7:30

Consistency - use a consistency chart

Tournament Wrap - 9:52

Para Table Tennis Open Championships

Competition Winner - 12:20

Dean Gochev from Bulgaria was our winner and chose the PingSkills Touch with Rakza 7 as his prize!

Playing Against Aggressive Players - 13:43

Krystian: Hi, Thanks for the great site with so much valuable knowledge you share. I am intermediate player with all around offensive style. I use Korbel with Donic Baracuda on FH and Donic M3 max on BH. I like this set up as it give me a reasonable control. What I am struggling with is playing aggressive, fast players that tend to smash or loop very fast. I have problem blocking their attack. I feel like I need to back off the table significantly to have more control returning their attack. But when I do that I feel more vulnerable, and I cannot cover the sides of the table properly.  Do you recommend to stay mid distance to the table and just practice blocking?

High Toss Serve Impacts - 17:32

DK: Hello PingSkills Team. Recently I trained high toss serves and found out that although my serves are spinny, they are often high and spinny,or low and dead. When I practised further, I found that I do not know a)how far from the body should my bat contact the ball? b)where the initial bounce should be (if it is the same for all types of serves)? c)how to disguise my serves without actually hiding them? d) is because many players keep telling me that they can predict what serve I am going to use before I perform the serve, which was proven correct in 70% of cases.

Can You Over Clean Rubbers? - 21:28

Ryan: I play in my basement and my rubbers become really dirty after about fifteen minutes. I clean my rubbers probably 3-5 times a day (with water and sponge), will this shorten the life of the rubbers? If so, how often should I replace them?

Forehand Topspin to the Opponent's Backhand - 24:10

Zohair: Assume that the opponent uses the same hand as me and I try to hit the ball with a topspin stroke/loop, it always lands across the table to the opponent's forehand to which he can loop back with a stronger strike. No matter how I try to angle the racquet, the ball always seems to cross the table from right side (my side) to the left side of the table (from my view). How do you loop the ball to the opponent's backhand, which would be harder for the opponent to counter unless he is really good with a backhand topspin which is tougher than the forehand loop?  For example, the ball is arriving at my side in the right, I want to loop the ball such that it lands on the opponent's backhand...What changes do we have to incorporate to my stroke in order to change the trajectory of the ball to make it go right instead of left?

Links in this Episode

Patrick Franziska Serve

Danny Seemiller in Action

Building Blocks - Basic Strokes

52 Week Training Plan

How To Know When Your Rubber is Dead

Playing Down the Line