Show #317 - Four Gems

6 years ago

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In this show, we have 3 great jokes for you, and four gems of advice from Alois as he answers some interesting questions. Enjoy the show!

Joke of the Week - 2:45

Dogs can't operate an MRI Scanner!

Why was the footy player scared of going on a plane?

What is the best thing about Switzerland?

On This Week - 4:30

Dimitrij Ovtcharov, Jang Woojin, and Stefan Fergerl have birthdays in September

Tournament Wrap - 8:05

European Championships

Nigerian Open

Tip and Drill of the Week - 11:38

Last time we talked about the importance of the grip and variations of advanced grip.

This time we recommend you work on making your serve legal so you don't have any issues in a match.

Excitement - 16:36

Julian: Hello,What I have noticed about myself is that during matches, I tend to get a little (too) over excited after I make an amazing or "lucky" point. Perhaps it is great defense by me or great offense. Whatever the matter is, I always have a hard time staying in focus during and even after the point which then leads me playing much poorly and the opponent gaining the point. Do you have any tips for me to stay in the zone while playing and good ways to recover from good points?

Returning Long Serves to the Backhand - 19:40

Martin: I struggle a lot with long underspin serves placed into my backhand corner, or into my crossover point. They usually have left sidespin too. I try a small backhand loop, but then the ball usually goes into the net. If I try a straight return, it goes wide on my left side. I struggle to lift the ball. The feeling is that the ball approaches very quickly, there is not enough time. I might stand too close too, but I think it is the reaction time. Just putting the ball on the table usually gives a too high return and puts me immediately under pressure. I think my best chance is to attack. How can I better prepare for those returns? 

Natural Backhand - 23:02

Justin: Hi, I have noticed that when a fast ball is hit to my forehand side, but close to my crossover point, instead of side stepping or adjusting my body, my natural reaction is to lift my elbow and block with my backhand. This has always worked for me, but in order to advance my game in the future, should I force myself to try to block close to my body with my forehand if it doesn't feel natural to me? I have been working on improving on my forehand, specifically counterhit and loops, but I am always most confident playing backhand, even if it is on the forehand side of my body. Do you have any suggestions on what I should do? 

Serves to Pushers - 26:56

Thomas: Hi guys. Love your "Receiving options" Vid. If my main opponents push almost everything, should I concentrate on serving pendulum sidespin, backspin/sidespin, topspin (not very good at it, yet) or backspin serves, to get some sweet free points or sitters off my serve?

Links in this Episode

European Championships

ITTF Nigerian Open