Table Tennis at the Olympic Games #273

8 years ago

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Prologue - 0:00

Jeff talks about his experiences from the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. He shows us some of the original team uniform and other memorabilia.

Tip of the Week - 13:16

How to get off to a good start in matches.

Drill of the Week - 17:50

Forehand anywhere in honour of Ryu Seung Min and his incredible footwork.

Remember When - 19:43

We go back to the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens where Ryu Seung Min shocked the World and won the Olympic Gold Medal in the Men's Singles.

Tournament Wrap - 25:18

Forehand in a Match - 34:17

Praanesh: I am able to play the forehand rally separately when practicing but I cannot play it in a match. How can I rectify this?

Applying Backhand Success to the Forehand - 35:52

Linh: I have a really good backhand and can utilise my wrist effectively on that side. How can I apply this to my forehand stroke?

Using the Waist When Serving - 37:23

Eugene: Is it necessary to rotate the waist when serving or is it enough to just use the arm and wrist?

Competition Mindset - 38:54

Ryan: I have an amateur tournament tomorrow, and this is my first. I have done much practice but I am still nervous about tomorrow's results. May I know any tips to boost my mindset or maintain a sense of Zen and sanity before and during the competition. Thanks in advance!

Repositioning After Hitting the Ball - 41:04

Eugene: After hitting the ball where should I move so that I can position myself for the next ball?

Ma Long at the London Olympics - 42:14

Nasco: Is Ma Long participating in the London Olympics? I found that Xu Xin and Ma Lin are also not in those Olympic Games.

PingSkiller Mail - 43:06

We discuss some of the mail we received regarding our last show Table Tennis for All #272.

Links in this Episode

Jeff Plumb's Olympic Results

Table Tennis at the Summer Olympics

Ryu Seung Min Reminiscing Winning 2004 Olympic Gold