Preparing for school competition

Table Tennis Match Strategy

Last updated 11 years ago

Tom Oxas

Tom Oxas Asked 12 years ago

Hi, Alois,

Soon I will fight in my first competition. I am only 14 years old and it will be competition of schools. I really want to win it. I can play table tennis only at school because I don't have table at home.

So I want to ask you how should I practice for competition at home and how should I practice at school. Also I want to ask what spin serves and what strategy should I use in a competition.

Thank You

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Tomas,

Firstly good luck with your first competition.

The main thing to think about now before the competition is to work on your serving and receive of serve.  Pick out the one or two serves that are your best serves and practice them a lot.  Also get someone else to serve to you all different types of serves and focus on making the best return you can make.

Then play a lot of matches against a whole lot of different players.

During the competition, think about your tactics against each player you will play.  Think about which side they are weaker on and which of your serves they don't like.  Also think about whether they like a slow game or a fast game.  If you can think about these things you will start to develop a good game strategy.

Also don't forget to enjoy the experience and just work hard during each point.

Let us know how you go in the competition. 

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Thoughts on this question

Tom Oxas

Tom Oxas Posted 12 years ago

Thank you. I will struggle for each point.

mat huang

mat huang Posted 12 years ago

Just telling, maybe not true.

I just started at school and the comp is very boring and easy. I doubt you will need intense practise

I dont know maybe you one is a different comp


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

There are all sorts of different schools competitions.  Some are stronger than others.

mat huang

mat huang Posted 12 years ago


Tom Oxas

Tom Oxas Posted 12 years ago

In my school table tennis is very popular in other schools too

Tom Oxas

Tom Oxas Posted 12 years ago

There is many players who are much better than me.

mat huang

mat huang Posted 11 years ago

Good Luck

Tom Oxas

Tom Oxas Posted 11 years ago


Tom Oxas

Tom Oxas Posted 11 years ago

actually this competition isn't very soon , still have a lot of time.

Sandesh Shrestha

Sandesh Shrestha Posted 11 years ago

well then you have a lot of practising time better get started on some serious practice..:D

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