Serving grip

Table Tennis Serving

Last updated 8 years ago

Tam Eastwood

Tam Eastwood Asked 8 years ago

Hi Alois my coach tells me to hold the blade between my thumb and forefinger when serving like alot of other players but I prefer to put 2 fingers on the rubber and 2 fingers on the blade handle (like Kristian Karlsson) and I find this way more comfortable. But my coach says I should swich back to the other grip because you can produce more spin... what do you think is best should I stay with my new grip or revert back to the old one?



Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Tam,

I prefer the one finger only and a more relaxed grip.  It will give you greater flexibility in your wrist.  It may feel like you have more control with the two finger grip but it has less potential for spin because of the wrist.

Give it a try for a while and see if you can get used to it.

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