Why spin serves

Table Tennis Serving

Last updated 12 years ago

Evan Sider

Evan Sider Asked 12 years ago

This question is related to my racket question, but what effectively does a lot of spin do compared to a little spin?

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Evan,

It makes it harder for your opponent to control where they return the ball.

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Thoughts on this question

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 12 years ago

If you can't do spinny serves and all your serves are dead serves or serves with little spin, there is no deception.  As soon as you can do very spinny serves, not only does the spin make it harder for the opponent to control the ball but it opens up a new world of deception because now if you can do a spin with little serve using the same motion it is now much more effective.

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