Zhang Jike's Serve

Table Tennis Serving

Last updated 7 years ago

Martin Coronel

Martin Coronel Asked 12 years ago

 How can you use zhang jike's pendulum serve?

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Martin,

If I could do it as well as him I would use it all the time.

Zhang Jike uses the Pendulum and Reverse Pendulum serves well.  He generate a lot of spin on his serves with a good use of his wrist.  He also has very good control of the ball on his serves.  Watch to see how well he can place the ball to where he wants it to go.  This is a crucial element of a good serve.

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Thoughts on this question

Saurabh Shrivastava

Saurabh Shrivastava Posted 10 years ago

Loved it. Will start practicing it.


Many thanks

Saurabh Shrivastava

Mumbai , India

Kailash Gowtham

Kailash Gowtham Posted 10 years ago

so basically the use of wrist is plain deception. i am able to generate lots of sidespin without using wrist for reverse pendulum serve. The wrist movement even on the reverse serve is to scare or make the opponent tense.

Bhushan Tiwari

Bhushan Tiwari Posted 10 years ago

Hey I am a beginner in table tennis and I play for 6 hrs on weekends but still my basic are not clear of forehand shorts and backhand shot please guide me how I can improve my game as I am crazy for this game a lot pls help me .. 

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Hi Bhushan,

Go to the Strokes & Techniques section of the site.  You will get a lot of information about the basic strokes there that will really help your game.

Sandor Istvan

Sandor Istvan Posted 10 years ago

I  think  this serve is tricky because of the movement after the ball contact.

with respect Sandor

Masoud Parkho

Masoud Parkho Posted 10 years ago

Hi Alois

That was great, thank you!


Dieter Verhofstadt

Dieter Verhofstadt Posted 8 years ago

Jeff's after motion is very good!

Jeff Plumb

Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

@Dieter - Thanks :)

Tushar Verma

Tushar Verma Posted 8 years ago

I find hard to put lots of spin in my pendulum serve. My serve can be picked with a simple push without any wrist movement.

What should I do? 

In this serve what should be the contact point for maximum spin?


Dieter Verhofstadt

Dieter Verhofstadt Posted 8 years ago

You say "my serve can be picked up with simple push without wrist movement". Actually, wrist action will make it harder for the receiver to return a (backspin) serve. It's a more aggressive shot. The amount of wrist action the receiver needs to put is not an indicator of the spin you put on your serve. The angle at which the receiver needs to open his bat and lower his shoulder to get the ball up, is the real indicator.

Wrist action is however a feature you need to apply yourself when serving. The contact point should be on the lower side of the ball and on the bat it should be as far away from the rotation point as possible for maximum rotation speed. The contact should be as fine as possible for maximum energy transfer into rotation.

Tushar Verma

Tushar Verma Posted 8 years ago

So that means my serve have some spin and contact should be fine to get more spin.

Thanks for the advise.

Aldo Golikow

Aldo Golikow Posted 8 years ago

Grande Alois y jeff hacen facil lo dificil


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

Thanks Aldo.

Aldo Golikow

Aldo Golikow Posted 8 years ago



Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

Thank you Aldo.  We will let you know if we can ever get to Argentina.

Gracias también. Vamos a saber si no podemos llegar a Argentina.


D T Posted 8 years ago

Looks like a cool technique, but in the video, all the reverse pendulum serves, and nearly all the pendulum serves - bounced once on the other side of the table.  Regardless of sidespin, aren't these serves fairly easily returned with a loop?  I was actually working with my coach yesterday on returning the reverse pendulum, and figured out how to do this.  Right after that, I played a match against someone and was able to slam all his reverse pendulum serves back down his throat. 


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

Hi D T,

Yes you are right, a shorter serve will be more effective.


D T Posted 8 years ago

Ah - ok.  So is doing the Zhang Jike technique of disguising the sidespin (pendulum or reverse pendulum), while still doing a serve that bounces twice (presumably with some backspin) - achievable for mere mortals?

And regarding Zhang Jike - I had always pronounced his name phonetically, the way an English speaker would say it.  In your video, you are pronouncing it differently (correctly, I'm sure).  So how is it pronounced?  I couldn't quite make it out.


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

Hi DT,

Yes I think it is achievable.  We were not focusing on that aspect of the serve when we filmed.  Perhaps we should have been...

I am certainly no Chinese expert but I would pronounce it Jung Jeeker.  Any Chinese speakers out there that can help us out.

Des Ryan

Des Ryan Posted 8 years ago

That is a fantastic variation on what is an excellent service!

i have just started to practice both of these serves,in an attempt to disguise the variation option I have tried to finish both with the same finish position.

in both versions you can generate a lot of spin when you concentrate correctly,this is sometimes a problem for me.....chunks of brain missing!!

class six para.

i am improving thanks to the two lads from Pingsklls.

in my current Autumn league in my club,I have just lost one match out of sixteen,and that was just an unusual style.

my table confidence is improving by the week, movement is also getting better.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

That is absolutely wonderful to hear Des.  Hopefully catch you around at a Para tournament soon.

Stanislav Galov

Stanislav Galov Posted 7 years ago

In a recent video I watched ZJK employ the short reverse PS down the line against FZD - very neatly and effectively... but the final match point ZJK won with a surprise serve (at least to me and to FZD) - again reverse PS but long fast and cross court (long diagonal) :) FZD had already made a step in the wrong direction preparing to loop a short backspin serve over the table with his special ability to use his back hand :)

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Yes he has good variation as well.

Johan B

Johan B Posted 7 years ago

Link please :D

Stanislav Galov

Stanislav Galov Posted 7 years ago

Hi Johan B,

Here is the link to

Zhang Jike vs Fan Zhendong China Super League


The serves I was describing are at the following to times: 17:59 and 20:09 :) Enjoy!

I hope Alois and Jeff don't mind me posting this link here...


Johan B

Johan B Posted 7 years ago

Ahh yes, Zhang has had his fair share of being burned like that too :-) Always fun to see those pros make a panic weak push. Makes them human.

F Wilson

F Wilson Posted 7 years ago

I am a senior semi serious recreational player that has been playing seriously for about a year now.  Game is progressing ok and I have a decent serve but my short backspin serves are inconsistent and lack much spin. I have not really tried to emulate the pendulum service motion as it looks complicated.  I vary my serves from forehand to backhand, top spin, back spin, short and long, BUT I want more!  Is a pendulum motion serve worth the effort given my stage and abilities?

I would not even consider this potential change IF I had not been receiving your very informative lessons.  VERY interesting and helpful, thank you very much.



D T Posted 7 years ago

If you have some time and a place to practice, a pendulum serve is definitely worth developing. It's not that hard, and can be very effective. Well worth adding to your repitoire. Serving is all about keeping your opponent guessing and off balance. 

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Hi F,

I think the Pendulum serve is definitely worth trying.  Look at the basics of how to do it first and get the contact right.  Then you can progress from there.

Stanislav Galov

Stanislav Galov Posted 7 years ago

I'm glad all you guys support the pendulum serve... because if it wasn't for you, i might abandon it...

I mean, recently i met a guy who keeps a table tennis hall where also national players train... And he quickly showed me that i was in the middle of nowhere, entangling my eyes in a knot lol

So, he told me "forget about what's in youtube! Your elbow shoud not be high! Keep it low and you can still produce both top and back spin (much heavier). Look how my ball returns when i serve short"

Of course i took it with a huge grain of salt due to what i've learned from Alois and Jeff here and also from the other prominent masters... (in this case about the position of the elbow) :)

The thing is that his serve has so much spin that even though i lift the ball very gently upwards, the ball shoots off the rubber in a suitable for him position to attack (in both sides)... and i began to think that he might have actually a good point! Aparently a person with experience :) Not invincible of course but still...

On the bright side, i was able to flip/loop over the table a few times his short reverse pendulum serve (like FZD... or almost) :D, which seemed to frastrate him and resulted in a few serve mistakes lol The short pendulum however i could only push and never succeeded in flipping/looping :(

I'm not sure if i'm asking anything here... just sharing a story i guess :)


D T Posted 7 years ago

Are you talking about ttedge regarding the high elbow?  That makes sense to me too, more of a lever. But there's more than one way to skin a cat!  If your friend could put substantial backspin on the reverse pendulum, he must be pretty good. That's tough!  But regarding returning a short backspin serve, you're lifting it?  That's not the right way to push, but perhaps I'm misunderstanding you. 

Stanislav Galov

Stanislav Galov Posted 7 years ago

I was talking in general how the high elbow gives you more variation possibilities :)
I don't think his short RPS had that much backspin or else i wouldn't have been able to lift it. After all i can't perform it as well as FZD (i'm guessing) lol and this is why i wasn't able to lift his short backspin PS.
And i wasn't saying that lifting is the right way to push lol It's just another way (though harder and riskier) to return a serve but more aggressively as we all know :)

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