Table Tennis Rules Questions

Question Title Last Updated
in or out 3 months ago
Racket and free hand rules 4 months ago
Allowable toss angle 4 months ago
Music during playing 5 months ago
Centre line 5 months ago
Broken Ball During Match 6 months ago
Serving inside the lines 7 months ago
Tossing the ball when serving. 7 months ago
Serving hand motion 8 months ago
Bats in a local league game in England 8 months ago
Illegal serves with no official umpires present 8 months ago
Changing a bat after warm up but before a match 9 months ago
Yellow card or red card for screaming 9 months ago
Ball touches finger 9 months ago
Hitting Your Bat on the Full 10 months ago
Who did win the point 1 year ago
Ball touching the finger 1 year ago
Serve or receive in doubles 1 year ago
Serving 1 year ago
How long does the server have to serve the ball 1 year ago
in or out on a doubles serve 1 year ago
Hitting ball through gap between net and table top 1 year ago
Serving from below the table level 1 year ago
Dropping your service hand below table level 1 year ago
Double hit, legal or illegal? 1 year ago
Standing on the table 1 year ago
Service time rules 1 year ago
How many lets can I serve 1 year ago
Changing bats at the start of a match? 1 year ago
Tennis service 1 year ago
Change of bat 1 year ago
Service Toss 2 years ago
Touching the ball twice 2 years ago
Bat passing over the table during serve 2 years ago
Change of clothing 2 years ago
Center line rule 2 years ago
Net tension 2 years ago
Serve by the Rules 2 years ago
Doubles serving 2 years ago
Table tennis rules 2 years ago
Service Toss and Strike 2 years ago
Contact point during service 2 years ago
Illegal serve for lefty receiving 2 years ago
Foul Serve 2 years ago
Dimitrij ovtcharov's tomahawk serve toss 2 years ago
Ranking in group tournament 2 years ago
What to do in an injury situation 2 years ago
What happens when your paddle hits the table on serves or returns. 2 years ago
Let serve 2 years ago
The double bounce in service in doubles 2 years ago
Doubles serving position 3 years ago
Expedite System 3 years ago
No touch serving rules 3 years ago
Table tennis table measurements 3 years ago
Name of winning 1 match for a team event 3 years ago
Ball hitting your body 3 years ago
Timeout Rule 3 years ago
Yellow cards and red cards in table tennis 3 years ago
Points in TT are confusing 3 years ago
Service Rule 3 years ago
Hitting the ball with Racket not held 3 years ago
Can ball hit net twice 3 years ago
Can you stand on the table ? 3 years ago
Bat falls on the table during rally 3 years ago
Clipping net 3 years ago
How do timeouts work 3 years ago
What happens if you step on the ball 3 years ago
Bounce the ball while serving 4 years ago
Side change 4 years ago
Let 4 years ago
Lifting your feet 4 years ago
Deuce in doubles 4 years ago
Can't see opponents serve contact 4 years ago
Hiding serving hand 4 years ago
Roller 4 years ago
Free hand on racket 4 years ago
Doubles serve rule 4 years ago
Hitting before it bounces 4 years ago
Contact of the ball with the raquet during the serve 4 years ago
Wearied ITTTF rubber 4 years ago
Sweat on ball during rally 4 years ago
Edge serve 4 years ago
Swap Rackets With Doubles Partner 4 years ago
Doubles Let Serve 4 years ago
Serving returning automatically 4 years ago
Serve Fault 4 years ago
Doubles centre line 4 years ago
Deuce games limit 4 years ago
Unauthorised adviser in a match 4 years ago
Around the net legal 4 years ago
Becoming an umpire 4 years ago
Refusing Legal Serves 4 years ago
Hiding the bat or ball by body in Service 4 years ago
Lucky points 4 years ago
Wrong returner returns a serve in doubles 4 years ago
Legal or illegal 4 years ago
Height service 4 years ago
Net height 5 years ago
The Table Tennis Ball 5 years ago
New rule 5 years ago
Racket retaining in 2019 Panamerican games 5 years ago
Hiding Service 5 years ago
Small towel tucked in your shorts 5 years ago
Doubles Table Tennis Let Serve Rule 5 years ago
Racket hit the table 5 years ago
Time out 5 years ago
Ball touch the body 5 years ago
Hitting the net 5 years ago
Serving question 5 years ago
Gloves 5 years ago
Holding a table tennis racquet 5 years ago
Serve ball bouncing off net to the receiver's side but not in the required block 5 years ago
Switch sides 5 years ago
Service throw without a hit 5 years ago
Distracting opponent in game 5 years ago
Should the ball pass above the net 5 years ago
When the ball pass through net 5 years ago
Ball hits debris on the table 5 years ago
Fault to throw the ball up and not hit it 5 years ago
Distance from table in a serve 5 years ago
Shorts 5 years ago
Serve hitting the edge of the table 5 years ago
Hit the table 5 years ago
Bouncing before serving 5 years ago
Serve throw but no contact 5 years ago
Rules of a double hit 5 years ago
Touching the table 5 years ago
Rules - rubber discolouration 5 years ago
Rules of table tennis 5 years ago
Missing the ball on the serve 5 years ago
Point or let 5 years ago
Throwing the ball towards you while serving 5 years ago
The ball that come around the net 5 years ago
Changing Sides 5 years ago
Double bounce on racket 5 years ago
Ball crossing net 5 years ago
Change of Service 5 years ago
Double bounce on net 5 years ago
Table touch during serves 5 years ago
Not hitting opponent side on return 5 years ago
Wiggle Room on the Toss 5 years ago
Ball hits net metal support 6 years ago
Deuce rules 6 years ago
Distraction 6 years ago
Crossing the other side of the net 6 years ago
2 Rules Questions 6 years ago
Ball tosses on the serve are not straight up 6 years ago
Serving Rule 6 years ago
Service rule 6 years ago
Doubles serve scenario a let or a foul 6 years ago
What is a set 6 years ago
Difference between golden point and deuce 6 years ago
Changing hands 6 years ago
A service dilemma 6 years ago
Bat moving over the table when serving 6 years ago
Not over the net 6 years ago
Rule about touching the table 6 years ago
Serve rule 6 years ago
Rubber placement legality 6 years ago
Serve rule 6 years ago
Who wins the point 6 years ago
Taking the ball on racket directly 6 years ago
Table tennis Rules 6 years ago
Touching the table 6 years ago
Serve Rule 6 years ago
Serving off the edge 6 years ago
Let serves 6 years ago
Switching Sides 6 years ago
Throw up and catch 6 years ago
Edge Ball Service Who gets the point 6 years ago
Umpire's rejections 6 years ago
Allowance of body parts to touch the ball 6 years ago
Serving to the side 6 years ago
Fouls 6 years ago
Stomachache during match 6 years ago
Maximum points 6 years ago
White line rule 6 years ago
Touching table with free hand while hitting ball with racket 6 years ago
Serve Toss 6 years ago
Deuce 6 years ago
Toss on serve 6 years ago
Can we change bat during a match 6 years ago
Illegal advice 6 years ago
Serve sides 6 years ago
Standing position on serve 6 years ago
Serious Injury 6 years ago
Hitting zone 6 years ago
Receiving no bounce 6 years ago
Injury time 6 years ago
Bat 6 years ago
Ball weight 6 years ago
Service toss 6 years ago
Spinning the ball without your fingers 6 years ago
Problem in a match 6 years ago
Foul in table tennis 6 years ago
Expedite and a Let 6 years ago
Bat touching the table 6 years ago
Off the wall 6 years ago
Order of Serve in each set of a doubles match 6 years ago
Heavy backspin back to my side of the table 6 years ago
Serve not thrown up 6 years ago if an opponent deliberately strikes the ball twice in succession 6 years ago
Height of Table Tennis Net 6 years ago
Table touch 6 years ago
The middle line serve in doubles 6 years ago
About service 6 years ago
Super smash 6 years ago
Changing grip allowed 6 years ago
Who Serves at the Start of Each Set 6 years ago
Can You Touch the Table with Your Bat 6 years ago
Short Backspin Serve 6 years ago
Is this a let 6 years ago
Serve 6 years ago
Serve 6 years ago
Checking opponent's rubbers 6 years ago
7-0 rule 6 years ago
Receiving a serve 6 years ago
A let 6 years ago
Game Start Up 6 years ago
Table size 6 years ago
Serve doubt 6 years ago
Net bounce 7 years ago
11 - 0 is illegal score 7 years ago
Continuous Deuce 7 years ago
Service back to the net 7 years ago
Doubles rules for service and combination 7 years ago
Rebounding balls 7 years ago
Ball in play or out 7 years ago
Are we allowed to touch the table with the racquet 7 years ago
Calling a Fault 7 years ago
Touch-balls 7 years ago
Hitting the table when serving 7 years ago
Number of towel breaks 7 years ago
Hitting on the full outside the sides 7 years ago
Judgmental error of outside baseline 7 years ago
Hitting the white line 7 years ago
Hiding the ball illegal 7 years ago
Ball Toss When Serving 7 years ago
Ball hitting my body 7 years ago
Serve toss 7 years ago
Doubles Body Touch 7 years ago
Switching hands while playing tt 7 years ago
Racket touching the table 7 years ago
Knock out positions after 1st stage of league 7 years ago
Club Racket 7 years ago
Best time to bring a player up on their illegal service 7 years ago
How many nets allowed 7 years ago
Hitting the return ball with body 7 years ago
Penalty points 7 years ago
Rules of the game 7 years ago
Hitting your fingers 7 years ago
Hitting the ball when serving 7 years ago
Time to serve 7 years ago
Left hand and Right hand in the same game 7 years ago
Fault by Flore Tristan 7 years ago
Dress 7 years ago
Ball not passing over the net 7 years ago
Serving round the net 7 years ago
Breaking the Ball on the edge of the Bat during a Rally 7 years ago
Hitting with handle 7 years ago
Stamping foot when serving 7 years ago
Table Touch 7 years ago
Hitting the ball on the full 7 years ago
Position of the bat of the receiver during the serve 7 years ago
Where can you stand receiving in doubles 7 years ago
Singles service rules 7 years ago
Re-tossing 7 years ago
Fixed paddle allowed 7 years ago
Can ball travel outside the table 7 years ago
Serve with the ball hitting your hand 7 years ago
Modification on rule of giving advice 7 years ago
Asking to change the racket before the game 7 years ago
Racket hits my court 7 years ago
Can You Change Your Grip During A Game 7 years ago
Service above the table level 7 years ago
What constitutes the beginning of the serve? 7 years ago
Hitting with your hand 7 years ago
Rule regarding a "carry"during a stroke 7 years ago
Protesting for unclear serve 7 years ago
Ma Lin serve return without touching it 7 years ago
Change of holding bat in a single match 7 years ago
Spin my bat while serving 7 years ago
Hitting the ball above the opponent's table side 7 years ago
Net post 7 years ago
Wet cloth frequencies 7 years ago
Service 7 years ago
Swinging at the Ball 7 years ago
Wide Ball Return 7 years ago
Serve Time 7 years ago
Length of rallies 7 years ago
Serve bouncing more than once 7 years ago
Free hand on table after hitting winner 7 years ago
Hitting the flying ball 7 years ago
Returning the ball before bounce on the table 7 years ago
Turning the bat 7 years ago
Can I change hands 8 years ago
Serve hitting the net 8 years ago
Service rule making noise 8 years ago
Serving under the table 8 years ago
Can I serve from side of the table 8 years ago
Licking the ball 8 years ago
Time-rule in Table Tennis 8 years ago
Hitting the clamp and not the net 8 years ago
What happens if your opponent has contact on you 8 years ago
Wheelchair and mixed pair doubles 8 years ago
Service foot tapping 8 years ago
Taking turns in doubles with one wheelchair 8 years ago
Blade rules 8 years ago
Out ball and playing on 8 years ago
Doubles Fault Question 8 years ago
Throwing Bat 8 years ago
Going to the side of the table 8 years ago
Stomach and Abdomen touch in the edge of table 8 years ago
Going in opponent's court 8 years ago
Serving wide 8 years ago
Blocking an around the net shot 8 years ago
Return the ball under net level 8 years ago
Dealing with a sweat ball serve 8 years ago
Service rule bouncing twice on the other side 8 years ago
Edges 8 years ago
Toweling Rule 8 years ago
Serving turns in doubles 8 years ago
VOCs and frictionless pimples in English leagues 8 years ago
Changing bats 8 years ago
Serving behind the table 8 years ago
Hitting the Edge 8 years ago
Seeing the contact of the ball 8 years ago
Serving behind the line 8 years ago
Shouts while hitting 8 years ago
Dropping the ball 8 years ago
Net points 8 years ago
Unfair Opponent 8 years ago
Deuce 8 years ago
I'm gonna whap my partner 8 years ago
Calling a hidden serve 8 years ago
Service rule 8 years ago
Time Between Points 8 years ago
"Warming up" during the match 8 years ago
Ball double hit the net 8 years ago
Gameplay rule 8 years ago
Hiding the rubber/bat during the serve 8 years ago
Serving from across the table line 9 years ago
Does the ball need to go over the net 9 years ago
The Scoring 9 years ago
Rules about touching the net 9 years ago
Is it a re-serve 9 years ago
Service vertical throwing 9 years ago
Zhang Jike's Foot Shot 9 years ago
Serving centre line fault 9 years ago
Re serve or not 9 years ago
Serving when the ball is falling 9 years ago
Ball touching playing hand 9 years ago
Smoothing the edges of the Racket 9 years ago
Is foot shot legal 9 years ago
Dropping your bat 9 years ago
Is a short shot allowed 9 years ago
Do you shout let 9 years ago
Ball lifting during serve 9 years ago
The paddle leaving your hand 9 years ago
Chinese Super League decider game to 7 points 9 years ago
Optical illusion side tape 9 years ago
Doubles Let Serve Rule 9 years ago
Drop serve 9 years ago
Ball passing end line 9 years ago
Talking in Table Tennis 9 years ago
Deliberate net shot from the opponent's side 9 years ago
The impossible Table Tennis Shot 9 years ago
Ball hitting the handle 9 years ago
Who won this point 9 years ago
Doubles Fault over the centre line 9 years ago
Who makes the call? 9 years ago
Serving from near the net 9 years ago
Can you lose on a bad serve 9 years ago
Is Jan Ove Waldner trademark serve legal 9 years ago
Changing grip during match 9 years ago
Wet ball 9 years ago
Receiver moving before serve 9 years ago
Hiding The Contact 9 years ago
Ball sticks to sweaty palm 9 years ago
Entire body or just ball behind line 9 years ago
Time between points to calm down 9 years ago
What rules do you recommend? 9 years ago
Strangest bounce, is it in play? 9 years ago
Ball coming back 9 years ago
Hitting the ball while it's above the opponent's side 9 years ago
Service rule 9 years ago
Tripping During Service 9 years ago
Touching playing surface in doubles 9 years ago
Ruling use of irregular blade 9 years ago
How many “lets" 9 years ago
How many sets to win a match 9 years ago
Touching finger or the racket handle 9 years ago
Server's racket touches the table 9 years ago
Touching the table 9 years ago
Hitting the ball to other person 9 years ago
Ball Breaking on Contact 9 years ago
Can I hit the ball with the side of my racket 9 years ago
Expedite System 9 years ago
Limit for bouncing ball on bat before serving 9 years ago
Hard Bat or Sponge Bat 9 years ago
Table foul 9 years ago
Grunting 9 years ago
Current Rule 9 years ago
Changing bat in doubles 9 years ago
Serving toss 9 years ago
Hitting the Ball on Full 9 years ago
Umpire mistake 9 years ago
Red and black side rule 9 years ago
Side of table good for point 9 years ago
Hinder or Lost Point 9 years ago
Ball missed the table but still played 9 years ago
Service whiff 10 years ago
Toss rule and doubles serve rule 10 years ago
Timeout rules 10 years ago
Doubles let serve 10 years ago
Too much backspin 10 years ago
Catching the tossed ball without serving 10 years ago
Ball far away from net 10 years ago
Breaking of ball on table 10 years ago
Whose point is it? 10 years ago
Hitting the ball when it is out 10 years ago
Tournament group singles match countback 10 years ago
Ready or not.... 10 years ago
Limit of points 10 years ago
Fall in the middle of playing 10 years ago
Touching the table 10 years ago
Laughing at others 10 years ago
Is it legal if during serve ball hits finger and bat 10 years ago
Doubles service rules at 10-10 10 years ago
Backspin serve under the table 10 years ago
Hitting the ball with the edge of the bat 10 years ago
Expedite counting 10 years ago
Ceiling obstruction rule 10 years ago
Serving from outside the edge lines on the table 10 years ago
Calling a serve let in the middle of a point 10 years ago
Double Play positioning 10 years ago
Legal serve 10 years ago
Player leans on table 10 years ago
Out Ball 10 years ago
Moving the table 10 years ago
Crossing the net 10 years ago
Expedite system 10 years ago
White line 10 years ago
Serving Rules 10 years ago
Serving in Doubles 10 years ago
Serving wide rule 10 years ago
Let serve 10 years ago
Time for the receiver to be ready between points 10 years ago
Warm up - Is it a rule 10 years ago
What happens if the ball hits you 10 years ago
Bat touches the table is it fault 10 years ago
Hitting the ball with finger and double hit 10 years ago
Serving rule 10 years ago
Change of ends 10 years ago
Serving with the side of the racket 10 years ago
Changing the grip during play 10 years ago
Changing the sides of the two players in rally 10 years ago
Toss the ball 10 years ago
The height of the net 10 years ago
Rules 10 years ago
Faults serving 10 years ago
Serving from underneath the table 10 years ago
Bumping the opponent in a rally 10 years ago
Club Shirt 10 years ago
Ball touches the edge 10 years ago
Timeout 10 years ago
Opponent falls down on the table 10 years ago
Where can you serve from? 10 years ago
Asking for a let or disturbance 10 years ago
What if the balls hit the side of the table in service 10 years ago
Dress code 11 years ago
Advice during play/timeout 11 years ago
Hitting with the edge tape 11 years ago
Noise obstruction 11 years ago
Doubles deciding set order of play 11 years ago
Backspin hitting 11 years ago
Serving on the line in doubles 11 years ago
Double Bounce Service 11 years ago
Volley 11 years ago
Rules of serving in singles 11 years ago
Rules on serving at match point 11 years ago
Standing Position 11 years ago
Touches the edge on serve 11 years ago
Dead Bat 11 years ago
Ball crosses the edge of the table 11 years ago
Order of service 11 years ago
Ball around the net 11 years ago
Short ball 11 years ago
Wiffing on the serve 11 years ago
Ball hits net after bouncing on my side 11 years ago
Can you change your bat during a match 11 years ago
Excessive time taking before serving 11 years ago
Throwing the ball up with spin 11 years ago
Unreturnable save 11 years ago
Who says the score before a serve 11 years ago
Standing on the side of the table when serving 11 years ago
Serve rule 11 years ago
Changing a damaged racket 11 years ago
Shoe drop shots 11 years ago
Service free arm 11 years ago
Hitting the service below the table 11 years ago
Serve that returns to net assembly 11 years ago
Who can call a let 11 years ago
Fingers 11 years ago
Service boll toss 11 years ago
Who makes the rules 11 years ago
Hitting the fingers 11 years ago
Out shot 11 years ago
Separate thumb on service 11 years ago
Ball returning with backspin 11 years ago
Serve: game starts when toss 11 years ago
Boomerang Serving 11 years ago
Touching the table 11 years ago
Throwing the ball up for service 11 years ago
Walking around before you serve 11 years ago
The service 11 years ago
Is it legal to place from sideways 11 years ago
I've got a doubt about a rule 11 years ago
Serving 11 years ago
Obstruction 11 years ago
Rules about the Heavy backspin serve 11 years ago
Missing the ball on serve 11 years ago
Service Position 11 years ago
Throwing the bat 11 years ago
Serving rule 11 years ago
Serving on the white line 11 years ago
Injuries 11 years ago
TT Double Rules 11 years ago
Rule book 11 years ago
Serving rule hiding the ball 11 years ago
Losing the game on a fault serve 11 years ago
Hands above the table for serving 11 years ago
Hitting Finger 11 years ago
Throwing the racket 11 years ago
Volleying rules 11 years ago
Rules Serving 11 years ago
Let or not 11 years ago
Backspin back over the net 11 years ago
serving rule 11 years ago
Cleaning bat during a match 11 years ago
Jump in the service 11 years ago
TT Double Rules 11 years ago
Extending rubber over the blade surface 11 years ago
Changing rackets during tournament 11 years ago
Who is the winner of the group 11 years ago
Asking about opponents rubbers 11 years ago
Stamping on Serve 11 years ago
Changing the bat between hands 11 years ago
Stamping with the foot while serving. 11 years ago
Carbon racket 11 years ago
Going Outside the Playing Area 11 years ago
Legal points 11 years ago
Blade switches during game 11 years ago
Serving double bounce 11 years ago
Toss Choice 11 years ago
Tossing the ball 11 years ago
Returning serve placement 11 years ago
Hand or Finger Foul 11 years ago
Moving onto the side of the table 11 years ago
Before you serve 11 years ago
Writing down team names 11 years ago
Scoring error 11 years ago
Sudden Serve 11 years ago
Stomping in play 11 years ago
Return shot hits net support 11 years ago
Table Tennis Faults 11 years ago
Double bounce on the serve 11 years ago
On the Serve can the ball touch the net 11 years ago
Finger problem 11 years ago
Deuce 11 years ago
Serving from the side of the table 11 years ago
Bat touching the table 11 years ago
Curving the ball 11 years ago
Different hands for playing and serving 11 years ago
Every Hit should cross the Net 11 years ago
Ghost Serve rule 11 years ago
Hiding the Serve 11 years ago
Crossing over to the other side 11 years ago
Serve question 11 years ago
Switching hands 11 years ago
Body touching the table 11 years ago
Losing on a serve 11 years ago
Using your hand 11 years ago
Am I allowed to go past the net? 11 years ago
Changing sides at 5 points in deciding game 11 years ago
Let or not? 11 years ago
Racket touching the body 11 years ago
Tossing the Ball 11 years ago
House Rules 11 years ago
faults 11 years ago
Faults 11 years ago
Ma lin serve, let or ok? 11 years ago
Server loses bat on service 11 years ago
ABC & XYZ Playing Order 11 years ago
Continuous Play 11 years ago
Open palm rule 11 years ago
Ball Serving 11 years ago
Net Posts and Framework 11 years ago
The Expedite System 11 years ago
Hitting twice on the serve 11 years ago
Service Rules Enforced Consistently 11 years ago
Double service on the line 11 years ago
Hitting the side of the table 11 years ago
Double Hit 11 years ago
Table tennis rules 11 years ago
Left handed serve 11 years ago
Serving with the edge of the bat 11 years ago
Stamping foot on serves 11 years ago
Color Cards 11 years ago
Re serve or not 11 years ago
Service let 11 years ago
Ball Break 11 years ago
Hitting your fingers 11 years ago
Ball hitting bat twice 11 years ago
Hitting with the handle 11 years ago
Ball hits something in the rally 11 years ago
Illegal time-outs 11 years ago
Serving diagonally 11 years ago
Legal serve 11 years ago
Hiding the serve legally 11 years ago
Hitting your head 11 years ago
Jumping when hitting a shot 11 years ago
Throwing your paddle 11 years ago
Swinging and missing a serve 12 years ago
Hitting the pole of the net 12 years ago
Lets and faults rules 12 years ago
Serving Rule 12 years ago
Yellow card in table tennis 12 years ago
Legal serve 12 years ago
Changing Hands 12 years ago
Netting Serve 12 years ago
Moving the Net during gameplay 12 years ago
Racket touch the table 12 years ago
Rules in changing the serve 12 years ago
Left hander doubles tomahawk serve 12 years ago
Finger Rule 12 years ago
Hitting the finger 12 years ago
Hitting Fingers or Hand Rules 12 years ago
Backspin overdrive 12 years ago
Reason for the fault call 12 years ago
Serving from palm or closed fingers 12 years ago
Some questions on Service rules 12 years ago
Serving from beside the table 12 years ago
Serving rule seeing the bat 12 years ago
Illegal Service 12 years ago
Doubles Hitting 12 years ago
How High Must I Throw The Ball When Serving? 12 years ago
Ball coming back 12 years ago
Service Rules 12 years ago
Seving laws 12 years ago
Hitting the out ball 12 years ago
End of the set 12 years ago
Legal or not? 12 years ago
Spin back to own teritorry 12 years ago
Expedite System 12 years ago
Stamping on the serve 12 years ago
Rubbers and blade 12 years ago
Rules questions 12 years ago
Double handed shots 12 years ago
Scoring a game when playing to 21 12 years ago
Is this a legal service delivery 12 years ago
Hit the ball before it bounce on the table. 12 years ago
Wiping wet rubbers during a match 12 years ago
The Net 12 years ago
Service Rule and Ball coming back 12 years ago
Out ball 12 years ago
Holding the Ball during service 12 years ago
Thumping on the serve 12 years ago
Ball coming back with backspin 12 years ago
Serving on the edge 12 years ago
Ball coming back 12 years ago
Hitting the net clamp on the way over 12 years ago
Who calls the let 12 years ago
Volleying past the end line 12 years ago
Order of service in AWD doubles matches 12 years ago
Throwing the bat 12 years ago
Net rule 12 years ago
Ball Cracking 12 years ago
Curving the ball around the net 12 years ago
Serving 12 years ago
Time outs and penalties 12 years ago
Height of net 12 years ago
Making sound on serving 12 years ago
Switching hands 12 years ago
Flick/drop shot 12 years ago
Missing the table 12 years ago
Change of ends 12 years ago
Bat touching the table 12 years ago
Can I change hands 12 years ago
Change of ends 12 years ago
Strapping bat to hand/fingers 12 years ago
Wood/hand 12 years ago
Serving foul 12 years ago
Table foul 12 years ago
Serving mistake 12 years ago
Doubles rules 12 years ago
Rules hitting the edge and spinning back 12 years ago
Rules moving onto opponents side 12 years ago
Throwing up and missing the ball 12 years ago
Changing hands during play 12 years ago
Standing on the table? 12 years ago
No Bounces 12 years ago
Dropping paddle during play 12 years ago
Round the Table 12 years ago
Doubles service on the line 12 years ago
Double bounce on the net 12 years ago
Let Serve Rules 12 years ago
Ghost Serve 12 years ago
Switching hands 12 years ago
Serving Game Point 12 years ago
Rule of return 12 years ago
Serving Rule for doubles 12 years ago
Non hit return 12 years ago
Changing hands 12 years ago
Catching the ball that is served? 12 years ago
Serving behind the line 12 years ago
Can I catch the ball when serving? 12 years ago
The Impossible Shot 12 years ago
Barriers 12 years ago
Win by 2 12 years ago
Service in doubles 12 years ago
if the ball hits my finger 12 years ago
Hitting the Table during Service 12 years ago
White Line 12 years ago
Banging the table 12 years ago
What happens if the ball doesn't bounce? 12 years ago
legal hiding in serve? 12 years ago
White card in the match 12 years ago
Open Palm for Serving 12 years ago
ask umpire to give a warning or point 12 years ago
Changing hands 12 years ago
Rules Confirmation 12 years ago
changing courts 12 years ago
Obstruction 12 years ago
Ping Pong Rules 12 years ago
Where can I serve from in singles? 12 years ago
Touching the table rules 12 years ago
illegal serves 12 years ago
Rule change on the ball hitting your finger 12 years ago
Can my bat hit the table? 12 years ago
Ball hitting body 12 years ago
Bat hitting the table rule 12 years ago
Rolling shot 13 years ago
Do I need to throw the ball up when serving? 13 years ago
Serving time limit? 13 years ago
Can I use my body to touch the table? 13 years ago
Serving Rule 13 years ago
TT Rules 13 years ago
Shots above shoulder 13 years ago
two hands at once?? 13 years ago
ITTF ball and net changes 13 years ago
new rules 13 years ago
Service obscured from one umpire 13 years ago
What happens if the server is distracted during serving 13 years ago
Service visibility with one umpire 13 years ago
Service - False Start 13 years ago
4 and 3 games 13 years ago
Catching the ball when serving 13 years ago
Service Rules 13 years ago
Out of bounds 13 years ago
About serving 13 years ago
service/end lines 13 years ago
Table Size 13 years ago
Serve rules 13 years ago
Serving behind the arm 13 years ago
Is the racket allowed to hit the table 13 years ago
Wearing a glove 13 years ago
Ball Rolling on the table 13 years ago
Dabbing your shoes with wet cloth 13 years ago
triple or more hits 13 years ago
Backspin serve bounces back over the net 13 years ago
Bat size/shape 13 years ago
Unlikely use of the rules 13 years ago
Can I change my grip during a match? 13 years ago
Bat usage 13 years ago
Bat size 13 years ago
Distractions as bad sportsmanship 13 years ago
Rules 13 years ago
Edge or Net Rule Change? 13 years ago
serving away from the border 13 years ago
serving rules 13 years ago
Rule on distraction during serve 13 years ago
Service in doubles 13 years ago
play for serve?(rally for serve) 13 years ago
Racket Rules 13 years ago
serving rules 13 years ago
serving a let 13 years ago
rule change? 13 years ago
Height of Table Surface from ground? 13 years ago
illegal serves 13 years ago
how many chances at serves do you get on gamepoint? 13 years ago
weird service receive 13 years ago
Sweat Ball 13 years ago
Serving Rules 13 years ago
Is the ball still in play? 13 years ago
Wrong server 13 years ago
Ball in flight 13 years ago
Around the Net 13 years ago
making the ball pass over the net 14 years ago
Up to 11 or 21? 14 years ago
does the server get two chaces to serve 14 years ago
Rules 14 years ago
The rules 14 years ago
Can my racket touch the table? 14 years ago
Strange lets... 14 years ago
Untouched Ball 14 years ago
Changing your bat during a match 14 years ago
Outside 14 years ago
Net height 14 years ago
legal serve 14 years ago
missing the ball on a serve 14 years ago
Wiping sweat onto the table. 14 years ago
Can I serve the ball straight out of my hand? 15 years ago
Serving Rules 15 years ago
Table Tennis Rules - Changing Rackets 15 years ago
What is the rule when serving in a singles game 15 years ago
Michael Jackson of Table Tennis 15 years ago
No Rubber on one side 16 years ago
New ITTF Glue Rules 16 years ago
Backspin 16 years ago
If the ball hits the edge during service 16 years ago
Size of Paddles 16 years ago
Glue 16 years ago
Rules 16 years ago
serve rules 16 years ago
Which is the right colour rubber for table tennis? 16 years ago
Playing Doubles 16 years ago
Ball Size 16 years ago
Table Measurement 16 years ago
Missing the ball when serving 16 years ago
Can i hit the ball with my free hand ? 16 years ago
Let or Fault? 16 years ago
Hitting the ball 16 years ago