Table Tennis Serving Questions

Question Title Last Updated
Serving to gain advantage 3 weeks ago
Long pimple service effect 3 months ago
Sidespin-topspin pendulum serve 4 months ago
Wang Chuqin Serve 4 months ago
Sidespin topspin serve 4 months ago
Weird serving failures 5 months ago
Is this truly the unreturnable serve 6 months ago
Serving secrets revealed 7 months ago
Backspin on Reverse Pendulum serve 7 months ago
Backspin serves 1 year ago
Sidespin-topspin serve with spin and kick 1 year ago
Serve placement 1 year ago
Improving serves 1 year ago
Changing the serving style over time 2 years ago
What is the best serve in table tennis 2 years ago
How many balls for serve practice 2 years ago
How to spin 2 years ago
Serving with backspin Ma Lin 2 years ago
Pendulum topspin serve 2 years ago
Serving low 2 years ago
Service After/Before Motion 2 years ago
Serving positions 2 years ago
Serves with Short and long pimples 2 years ago
Serving Low and Short 2 years ago
Punch serve 2 years ago
Using Fingers During Service 2 years ago
Serving with backspin 2 years ago
Short and spinny serves 3 years ago
Professional Players Serving position 3 years ago
Windshield wiper serve 3 years ago
Low head position preparing for serve 3 years ago
Short and Long Serve Length Ranges 3 years ago
Ghost Serve 3 years ago
Ball toss 3 years ago
Primorac High Toss Backhand Serve 3 years ago
Spin on Pendulum Serve 3 years ago
Effective forehand serves left-handed in doubles 3 years ago
Problems with serving like Xu Xin and Ma Long 3 years ago
Proper progression to get better with serving 3 years ago
Dimitrij ovtcharov backhand serve 3 years ago
Making a heavy Backspin Serve 3 years ago
Tomahawk serve 3 years ago
Ghost serve 3 years ago
Want more sidespin on Pendulum serve 3 years ago
Hit My Chest When Serve 3 years ago
Sidespin serve 3 years ago
Kicker serve from the backhand side 4 years ago
How to Execute the Ma Lin Serve 4 years ago
Tomahawk good spin 4 years ago
Inconsistent Serving 4 years ago
Sidespin serves 4 years ago
Pendulum service elbow 4 years ago
Getting Spin on Serves 4 years ago
Kick serves 4 years ago
Unpredictability of serves 4 years ago
Why don't most high level players favor backhand serve 4 years ago
Side spin serve 4 years ago
Topspin serve 4 years ago
Service - contact point 4 years ago
Windshield wiper serve too low 4 years ago
Reverse tomahawk serve 4 years ago
How to conceal my spin when I am serving 4 years ago
High toss serve 4 years ago
Legal Serves 4 years ago
Service spin 4 years ago
Recognize sidespin or backspin on your serve 4 years ago
Service which accelerates on 2nd bounce 4 years ago
How to do Yoshimura serve 4 years ago
Service position on bat 4 years ago
Learning Serve tricks 4 years ago
Pendulum serve the wrist 4 years ago
Intermediate must know serves deception 4 years ago
Lin yun ju serve 4 years ago
How to get effective backspin 4 years ago
Extremely high toss serve 4 years ago
Tourney 4 years ago
Disguising a Tomahawk serve 4 years ago
Bat Angle ghost serve of ma Lin . 4 years ago
Topspin serve 4 years ago
Reverse tomahawk serve 5 years ago
Weight Transfer on Pendulum Serve 5 years ago
Backspin or sidespin service 5 years ago
Serve spin 5 years ago
Backhand serve 5 years ago
Short slow serve 5 years ago
Kick Serve 5 years ago
how to do the punch serve ? 5 years ago
Short Fast Serves 5 years ago
How to improve my serve? 5 years ago
Serves first contactpoint 5 years ago
Mima Ito "Scorpion serve" 5 years ago
Multipart service question 5 years ago
Pendulum Serve 5 years ago
Fast serves and Backhand Tomahawk serves 5 years ago
Ghost serve toss 5 years ago
Punch serve backspin 5 years ago
Ghost serve 5 years ago
Usual learning time 5 years ago
Pendulum swing backspin 5 years ago
Advantage for Reverse Sidespin Serves 5 years ago
Serving short 5 years ago
Difference between the serves 5 years ago
Kicker serve 5 years ago
Service Contact Height 5 years ago
Long and fast backspin serve 5 years ago
How to return the ball in curved trajectory 5 years ago
What serve does Mima Ito & Miu Hirano use the most 5 years ago
Serve stomp 5 years ago
Contact Point on Serves 5 years ago
Zap serve 5 years ago
Dimitrij Ovtcharov backspin serve 5 years ago
Backhand Tomahawk 5 years ago
Best serve 5 years ago
Dimitrij Ovtcharov's Tomahawk 5 years ago
how to make the serve spin 5 years ago
Proper stance while doing serve 5 years ago
serving practise 5 years ago
Doubles serving to an attacker 5 years ago
Serve spin types 5 years ago
Ball tossing 5 years ago
Backhand serve - off arm 5 years ago
Service picking and doing 5 years ago
Shovel/Reverse Pendulum 5 years ago
Bola turun - Backspin 5 years ago
No bounce serve 5 years ago
No bounce serve 5 years ago
Left hand serves 5 years ago
Serves Types 5 years ago
Ma Lin serve throwing 6 years ago
Backhand serve 6 years ago
Playing spins 6 years ago
Ma Lin serve... 6 years ago
Kenta Matsudaira's Tomahawk/Reverse Tomahawk 6 years ago
Short sidespin pendulum serve 6 years ago
How hard to hit when serving short 6 years ago
Short serve 6 years ago
Backhand Serve Deception 6 years ago
Focus of Attention on Serve 6 years ago
Should defenders use the pendulum serve 6 years ago
High Toss Ma Lin serve 6 years ago
Ghost serves 6 years ago
Tomahawk serve 6 years ago
When to change a serve 6 years ago
Serve low and short or maximum spin 6 years ago
Backspin service 6 years ago
Hook Serve 6 years ago
Pure sidespin on tomahawk and pendulum serve 6 years ago
Tilting the bat backspin pendulum serve 6 years ago
Serving position on the table 6 years ago
Par Gerell serve and shovel serve 6 years ago
Low Tomahawk Serves 6 years ago
He Zhi Wen's Serve 6 years ago
What type of serve is Par Gerell doing? 6 years ago
Serving Sidespin Pendulum 6 years ago
No spin serve 6 years ago
Ma Lin Serve not right 6 years ago
Sidespin at home 6 years ago
Serving with combination of spin 6 years ago
How to do an epic side spin serve 6 years ago
Topspin serve 6 years ago
Reverse Pendulum spin 6 years ago
Beginner serves 6 years ago
Serve going straight 6 years ago
Reverse Serve 6 years ago
Serving with pure backspin 6 years ago
Serving Short 6 years ago
Spin on my serve 6 years ago
Tips for a basic no spin serve 6 years ago
Getting pure sidespin on serves 6 years ago
Spin 6 years ago
How to get more spin on the pendulum serve 6 years ago
Is the high toss serve back 6 years ago
Topspin serve 6 years ago
Faking spin on serves 6 years ago
Pendulum Backspin Contact Point 6 years ago
Serving Secrets Revealed 6 years ago
Backspin Serve 6 years ago
Pendulum Serve Problem 6 years ago
Serves 6 years ago
Ghost serve 6 years ago
Penhold Tomahawk Serve 6 years ago
Ma long's service variations 6 years ago
Practice the pendulum serve 6 years ago
Backspin serve for beginners 6 years ago
Serving the Ghost serve 6 years ago
Short Tomahawk Serve 6 years ago
How do I make my serve faster 6 years ago
Backspin 6 years ago
Jun Mizutanis serve 6 years ago
Pendulum spin generation 6 years ago
Backspin serve 6 years ago
Ball Placement in Reverse Pendulum Serve 6 years ago
Height for Pendulum serves 6 years ago
Pendulum Serve 6 years ago
Short People 6 years ago
Tomahawk serve 6 years ago
Ma Long serve 6 years ago
My Tomahawk serve 6 years ago
Loose grip while serving 6 years ago
Curving a ball when serve 6 years ago
Penhold Serves 6 years ago
Ma lin ghost serve 6 years ago
Fast service deception 6 years ago
Keeping Serves Short With Powerful Equipment 6 years ago
Shovel service 6 years ago
Pendulum sidespin serve goes into net 6 years ago
Float serve 6 years ago
Backspin serve 6 years ago
Backspin serve 6 years ago
Getting more spin on short serves 6 years ago
How to keep a backspin serve in the table 6 years ago
Ghost service 6 years ago
Back spin serves 6 years ago
Same serve different spins 6 years ago
How to put spin on the ball 6 years ago
Position when serving 6 years ago
Fast serve 6 years ago
How do I do the Ovtcharov's serve 6 years ago
High toss short service 6 years ago
Timo boll backhand serve German Open 6 years ago
Asuka Sakai's serve 6 years ago
Ma Lin serve 6 years ago
Recommendation for a Slower Server 6 years ago
Should I Serve at Top Speed 6 years ago
Learning Different Types of Serves 6 years ago
How To Beat Your Opponent With Serves 6 years ago
Serving Faster 6 years ago
Improving My Service 6 years ago
Serve Like Jan Ove Waldner 6 years ago
Hugo calderano's serve 6 years ago
Tomahawk serve 6 years ago
Low backhand serve 6 years ago
Penholder lives matter too 6 years ago
Dima serving 6 years ago
Improving heavy backspin on a pendulum serve 6 years ago
Racket hits table when doing a reverse pendulum serve 6 years ago
Reverse Pendulum Long Serve 6 years ago
Chop serve 6 years ago
Ghost serve 6 years ago
Pure Sidespin on a Reverse Pendulum Serve 6 years ago
Long pimpled serve 6 years ago
Forehand pendulum serve 6 years ago
Short backspin serve 7 years ago
Different variations in pendulum serve 7 years ago
Serving 7 years ago
Serve stance 7 years ago
Miu Hirano serve 7 years ago
Serving technique 7 years ago
Service 7 years ago
Waldner's ace 7 years ago
Pen style serves 7 years ago
The ghost serve 7 years ago
Backhand flick 7 years ago
Angle of bat for backspin serve 7 years ago
Service 7 years ago
Dimitrij service technique 7 years ago
Touch the net after a serve 7 years ago
Tomahawk or pendulum serves 7 years ago
Generating More Spin 7 years ago
Ghost serve 7 years ago
Quick bounce serve 7 years ago
Execute topspin pendulum serve 7 years ago
Ball return serve 7 years ago
Backhand serve in doubles with left hand 7 years ago
Pendulum serve being returned aggressively 7 years ago
Serve short with spin 7 years ago
Can't get ball over net with pendulum serve 7 years ago
Spin trick 7 years ago
Problem while serving 7 years ago
Disguise/Faking serves 7 years ago
Serving 7 years ago
Contact point in Pendulum serve in relation to R hip 7 years ago
Power Serve 7 years ago
Recommended rubber for backspin serve 7 years ago
Backhand Tomahawk Serve 7 years ago
Problem with serve 7 years ago
What Serve 7 years ago
Topspin serve 7 years ago
Generating spin 7 years ago
Chop and Sidespin Serve 7 years ago
Ding Ning Tomahawk Serve 7 years ago
High Toss Serve Impacts 7 years ago
How to do Ding Ning's serve 7 years ago
Reverse Pendulum going too far 7 years ago
Dead ball serve 7 years ago
Extreme Ma Long's ace serve 7 years ago
Maintaining speed and spin on Sidespin serve 7 years ago
Dimitrij Ovtcharov serve 7 years ago
How to serve a heavy backspin serve 7 years ago
Service improvement 7 years ago
Service grip 7 years ago
Advantages of the High Toss Serve 7 years ago
Switching between a penhold and tennis grip 7 years ago
Is it important for serves to have sidespin 7 years ago
Backspin and sidespin service 7 years ago
Which way to make the pendulum topspin serve more deceptive 7 years ago
Xu Xin's serve 7 years ago
Easiest Backspin Serve For a Rookie 7 years ago
Stamping on serve 7 years ago
Generate forward momentum on Pendulum Serve 7 years ago
Hit the ball near the body in pendulum serve 7 years ago
Where to contact the ball for backspin 7 years ago
How do i give a fast serve?. 7 years ago
How to do a fast serve 7 years ago
Basic serve for beginner 7 years ago
How to Do Two Spins on serve 7 years ago
Percentage of missed serves to shoot for 7 years ago
Reverse tomahawk serve 7 years ago
Spin service 7 years ago
How To Efficiently Do a Penhold Topspin Pendulum Serve 7 years ago
Deception and Spin on serves 7 years ago
Reverse Pendulum Serve - Standing Position 7 years ago
Kim and Seo Backhand Serve effectiveness 7 years ago
Long fast serve with high backspin 7 years ago
Changing spin on serves 7 years ago
Topspin serve 7 years ago
Windshield Wiper Serve 7 years ago
Efficacy of Reverse Pendulum Serve 7 years ago
Swing wrist contact of the 3 type of spins 7 years ago
Waldner Reverse Pendulum Serve 7 years ago
Index Finger Pain from Pendulum Serve 7 years ago
High Toss Allows more Spin 7 years ago
Is the backhand deep forehand sidespin serve a good one 7 years ago
Hitting the floor with your foot when serving 7 years ago
Pro serving style seems inefficient to me 7 years ago
Which serve is best for an attacking player? 7 years ago
Fast and long serve techniques 7 years ago
No-spin serve 7 years ago
Serving in doubles 7 years ago
Serving with the Backhand 7 years ago
Reverse Backhand serve 7 years ago
Which serve should i use 7 years ago
Serve an edge every time 7 years ago
Zhang Jike's Serve 7 years ago
Ball toss 7 years ago
Fake service actions 7 years ago
Ma Lin's serve fake action 7 years ago
Tao Shi short topspin serve 7 years ago
Exercise for wrist disengagement 7 years ago
Samsonov's serve 7 years ago
Whipping motion 7 years ago
Serving fast and long 7 years ago
Learn How To Serve Short & Fast 7 years ago
Reverse Backhand Serve 7 years ago
Penhold Windshield serves 7 years ago
Patrick Franziska's Serve Into a Shoe 7 years ago
Stomp while serving 7 years ago
Corkscrew Spin 7 years ago
Serve from trick serves video 7 years ago
Fast deep heavy spin serve 7 years ago
Liu guoliang serve (Shake-Hand-Grip) 7 years ago
High toss pendulum serve with topspin 7 years ago
Backhand or Reverse Tomahawk 7 years ago
Pendulum serve 7 years ago
Serving with tacky rubber 8 years ago
Windshield wiper serve knee bend 8 years ago
Changing grip for serve 8 years ago
Switching grips or modified grip 8 years ago
Wiper serve 8 years ago
Reverse Pendulum Backspin Serve 8 years ago
How to do the Ma Long pendulum serve 8 years ago
Switching service 8 years ago
Pendulum Serve Hit Point 8 years ago
Serving plain underspin as a development strategy 8 years ago
Using the waist when serving 8 years ago
Trick Serve 8 years ago
Spin variations in a pendulum service 8 years ago
Timo Boll Serve 8 years ago
Serving grip 8 years ago
Keeping the pendulum serve short 8 years ago
Pendulum serve lead to wrist problem 8 years ago
Fukuhara's high toss forehand serve 8 years ago
Fang Bo's half short serve 8 years ago
Pendulum serve that doesn't curve much 8 years ago
Difference in Ma Long's serve direction 8 years ago
Ma Long's long forehand serve down the line 8 years ago
Serving with spin and over net 8 years ago
Spining a ball on the TT table 8 years ago
Angle of racket on Ma Lin's 'Ghost' serve 8 years ago
Service tricky points of the ball 8 years ago
Raise the one leg - service 8 years ago
Slow spin serve 8 years ago
Backspin serve with high elbow 8 years ago
Serve practice 8 years ago
Pendulum going into the net 8 years ago
Pendulum backspin serve 8 years ago
Anton Kallberg serve 8 years ago
Failing serves 8 years ago
In The Need of a good serve 8 years ago
Pendulum Serve Index Finger Position 8 years ago
Modified grips for serving 8 years ago
Sweaty Palms for Pendulum Grip 8 years ago
Sidespin or topspin terminology 8 years ago
Serving: The Swing of your Arm 8 years ago
Tomahawk service contact for more up-spin 8 years ago
Zig Zag Serve 8 years ago
Serving like Tobias Rassmusen 8 years ago
Sidespin serve placement 8 years ago
New pendulum service video 8 years ago
Adding more spin to serve 8 years ago
Fast Serve Down the Line 8 years ago
Serve and ball tracking 8 years ago
My serve 8 years ago
Ma Lin serve 8 years ago
No spin serve 8 years ago
How to do a ghost serve 8 years ago
Spin on the serve 8 years ago
Keeping the head still on serve 8 years ago
Backspin serve vs Sidespin serve 8 years ago
Serving from the corner for novice players 8 years ago
Serving low 8 years ago
How do I keep a topspin serve short? 8 years ago
Serve -pronation and supination 8 years ago
Topspin or backspin with a side spin serve 8 years ago
Ma lin's serve 8 years ago
Getting the ball over the net with Pendulum serve 8 years ago
Serving into the lights 8 years ago
Watching the ball while tossing 8 years ago
How to serve with topspin 8 years ago
Reverse Backhand Serve With Shakehand grip 8 years ago
How to do the Vladimir Samsonov serve 8 years ago
How do I get feeling in the Reverse Pendulum Serve? 8 years ago
Pendulum Serve 8 years ago
Reverse pendulum topspin 8 years ago
Service throw and spin 8 years ago
Backhand Tomahawk Serve 8 years ago
Serving disguise 8 years ago
Pendulum serve 8 years ago
Spin on 3rd ball 8 years ago
Pendulum Serve 8 years ago
Variation of serve 8 years ago
Going from pendulum serve grip to shakehand 8 years ago
Too small to serve 8 years ago
Float spin 8 years ago
Generating enough spin on the Pendulum serve 8 years ago
Stefan Fegerl serve 8 years ago
Difference between tomahawk and pendulum serve 8 years ago
Anton Källberg serve 8 years ago
Pace of the serve 8 years ago
What service to use 8 years ago
Spin on serve 8 years ago
Heavy Underspin Serve 8 years ago
Serving a fast,straight ball 8 years ago
Ding Ning's Reverse Tomahawk serve 8 years ago
Sidespin serves - opponents return 8 years ago
Elbow position when serving 8 years ago
Spins in serve 8 years ago
How to give the ball a topspin 8 years ago
Ball toss to the side of your body 8 years ago
Ma Long's NEW serve 8 years ago
Thin Fine Contact 8 years ago
Tossing the ball high during service 8 years ago
Throwing the ball accurately 8 years ago
Arm movement for high toss serve 8 years ago
Transparent game 8 years ago
Serving tricks 8 years ago
One Serve Different Variation 8 years ago
Contact point for backspin serve and serving grip 9 years ago
Learn the Mizutani High Toss Service 9 years ago
Preventing faults when mixing up serves 9 years ago
Christian Suss serve 9 years ago
Backspin Serve and Serve Variation 9 years ago
Ready stance after backhand serve 9 years ago
Problem when serving 9 years ago
What type of serve is the best 9 years ago
Tomahawk Variations 9 years ago
Long fast little backspin serve 9 years ago
Pendulum Serve Grip 9 years ago
I Can't Spin The Ball 9 years ago
Long No Spin 9 years ago
Hiding the serve 9 years ago
Penhold tomahawk serve 9 years ago
Kick serve 9 years ago
Effective service training 9 years ago
Backspin serve 9 years ago
Matsuez Golebioski serve 9 years ago
Reverse pendulum serve 9 years ago
Don't Use a Plain Topspin Serve 9 years ago
Joerg Rosskopf serve grip 9 years ago
Serve contact point 9 years ago
Serving Patterns 9 years ago
Do you serve as fast as you can 9 years ago
Is Wang Li Qin's Serve Illegal 9 years ago
Sidespin serve going wide 9 years ago
Long Spiny Serve 9 years ago
Ideal spin serve serve technique videos 9 years ago
Second spin stop technique 9 years ago
Michael Maze’s serve 9 years ago
Lots of serves 9 years ago
First bounce for a short serve 9 years ago
Getting good variation on the serve 9 years ago
Waldner ball toss 9 years ago
Speed of Serve 9 years ago
Samsonov high toss serve 9 years ago
Weight Transfer on Pendulum Serve 9 years ago
Chinese Pendulum Serve 9 years ago
Reverse pendulum serve 9 years ago
New Service 9 years ago
Reverse pendulum serve 9 years ago
Disguising serves like Ma Lin 9 years ago
Effectiveness of the Backspin Pendulum 9 years ago
Serving from which side 9 years ago
Service that won't get attacked 9 years ago
Short topspin serve 9 years ago
Long serve 9 years ago
Serve Disguise 9 years ago
Problems with Reverse Pendulum serve 9 years ago
Intermediate player serve 9 years ago
Topspin serve variations/methods 9 years ago
Spinning serve 9 years ago
Topspin serve 9 years ago
Tomahawk vs Pendulum serve 9 years ago
Fan Zhendong serve 9 years ago
About grip+palm+ball for service 9 years ago
Reverse pendulum serve penhold 9 years ago
Serving Recoil 9 years ago
Disguising topspin serve 9 years ago
Serving into the opponents elbow 9 years ago
Timo Boll serve 9 years ago
Pendulum serve 9 years ago
Side spin pendulum serve 9 years ago
Faking topspin serves 9 years ago
Serving tactics by a pimple player 9 years ago
Ma Long service and rubbing hand 9 years ago
Left shoulder is sore 9 years ago
problem serving 9 years ago
Placing the serve 9 years ago
Greatest serve in tabletennis 9 years ago
Foot stamp on serve 9 years ago
Another Question about the topspin serve 9 years ago
Short Topspin Serve 9 years ago
Speed & Spin 9 years ago
Backhand serve failure 9 years ago
Opponent Never Pushes the Ball 9 years ago
How to do all the variations of the hook serve 9 years ago
Is Ma Lin serve legal 9 years ago
How do you do the Ma Lin serve 9 years ago
Hardness of rubber for better serve 9 years ago
How to do a pen grip pendulum serve 9 years ago
The serve that owned over a decade 9 years ago
Short Serve 9 years ago
Serving with spin 9 years ago
Good Serve Etiquette 9 years ago
Reverse backhand serve 9 years ago
Grip for reverse pendulum serves 9 years ago
No spin tomahawk serve 9 years ago
How to master a perfect top spin serve 9 years ago
Confusing and conflicting advice about the serve 9 years ago
What is the secret behind the tomahawk serve 9 years ago
Service Options 9 years ago
Hidden strokes 9 years ago
Variations of the Tomahawk serve 9 years ago
Power or Slow serve 9 years ago
A good serve 9 years ago
Backhand Tomahawk from same position 9 years ago
Shielding the serve 9 years ago
Pendulum Backspin Serve 9 years ago
More spin on a tomahawk serve 9 years ago
Dimitrij Ovtcharov backhand serve 9 years ago
Where do I serve? 9 years ago
Stance While Serving 9 years ago
Sidebackspin serve 9 years ago
Single bounce or risk of net 9 years ago
Serve with long pimples 9 years ago
Foot position after serve 9 years ago
Pendulum service problems 9 years ago
Perfecting the High Toss Serve 9 years ago
Problem with serve 9 years ago
Reverse Pendulum Serve 9 years ago
Kasumi Ishikawa Serve 9 years ago
Fast and spin serve 9 years ago
Pingskills rook video 9 years ago
Kenta’s backhand tomahawk serve 9 years ago
The tomahawk serve 9 years ago
Ma lin disguise 9 years ago
Throw on serve 9 years ago
Keeping Serves Short With Spin 9 years ago
Dimitrij Ovcharov's serve 9 years ago
A good serve 9 years ago
Flore Tristan serve 9 years ago
Ma Lin serve 9 years ago
Reverse Pendulum serve 9 years ago
Michael Maze service 9 years ago
Only One SideSpin(Left) on regular pendulum serve 9 years ago
Wang Hao's pickaxe serve 9 years ago
Advantages and disadvantages of Ovtcharov's backhand serve 9 years ago
Serving pure backspin 9 years ago
Serve placement 9 years ago
Tomahawk Serve 9 years ago
Where to do backhand serve 9 years ago
Leftie's Service 9 years ago
Waldner's sudden opposite serve 9 years ago
Different serves 9 years ago
Pendulum Serve 9 years ago
Serves for shorter players 9 years ago
Consistency in high toss serve 9 years ago
Kenta Matsudaira Tomahawk serve 9 years ago
Short topspin serve vs short sidespin serve 9 years ago
Pure Heavy Backspin Pendulum Serve 9 years ago
Reverse Backspin Pendulum serve vs Backspin pendulum serve 9 years ago
Spinny Serve 9 years ago
After a let serve 9 years ago
Pendulum serve follow through 9 years ago
Seo Hyowon Serve 9 years ago
Sidespin on serves 9 years ago
Footwork after pendulum serve 9 years ago
Why the pendulum serve 9 years ago
Difficulties in training Malin's ghost serve 9 years ago
Problems during serve 9 years ago
Service 9 years ago
Ma Lin serve with regular low toss 9 years ago
Reverse Pendulum Backspin Serve 9 years ago
Fast pendulum serve 9 years ago
Short serve with heavy sidespin 9 years ago
Sabine Winters Serve 9 years ago
One serve 9 years ago
Backhand Sidespin Serve Finish Position 9 years ago
Gardos Serve 9 years ago
Backhand serve 9 years ago
Illegal Service 9 years ago
What serves did you use during your international careers 9 years ago
Pendulum serve never has a lot of spin 9 years ago
Serving consistency 9 years ago
Service Nick 9 years ago
Serving grip 9 years ago
Penhold grip pendulum serve 9 years ago
Practicing serves with no table 9 years ago
Zhang zike's serve with penhold 9 years ago
Depth of ball sinking into rubber during serve 10 years ago
How to improve the spin of the ball 10 years ago
Hao Shuai Serve 10 years ago
Backspin Service bat angle 10 years ago
Better Serve 10 years ago
Backspin serve 10 years ago
My short serve gets attacked 10 years ago
Spin serve racket problem 10 years ago
Fast low Serve 10 years ago
Contacting points 10 years ago
Werner's so-called "flick" serve 10 years ago
Best Serve 10 years ago
Vladimir Samsonov serve 10 years ago
Reverse Pendulum placement variation 10 years ago
Faster Topspin serve 10 years ago
Side spin 10 years ago
Racket position at start of Pendulum serve 10 years ago
I can't serve professionally 10 years ago
Lethal Serves 10 years ago
Tossing problems 10 years ago
Perfect serve 10 years ago
How to make a good topspin serve 10 years ago
Serves 10 years ago
Sidespin serve 10 years ago
Serve against a good spinner 10 years ago
Short Topspin Pendulum Serve 10 years ago
Confusion in rotation of ball in sidespin serve 10 years ago
kenta matsudaira 10 years ago
Which serve is good for the coppa jo gold 10 years ago
Variety of serves 10 years ago
Thoughts on tomahawk serve 10 years ago
Reverse pendulum serve getting wrist pain 10 years ago
Ball wont curve in the table in sidespin serve 10 years ago
How to get the reverse pendulum serve into the table 10 years ago
Serving half long 10 years ago
Topspinning long fast serve with heavy backspin 10 years ago
Backspin Trick 10 years ago
Timo boll pendulum serve vs high toss serve 10 years ago
Kick Serve/Topspin Serve 10 years ago
Lengths of Tomahawk Services' Variations 10 years ago
Grip when serving 10 years ago
Starting the high toss serve 10 years ago
Best Serve 10 years ago
Service 10 years ago
Fastest Serve 10 years ago
Before serve movement 10 years ago
Fake actions during serve 10 years ago
Serving different types of spin with similar action 10 years ago
Waldner the legend fast down the line serve 10 years ago
Heavy fast serve 10 years ago
Backhand fast serving 10 years ago
Fast serve 10 years ago
Spins 10 years ago
High toss serve 10 years ago
Advantage and disadvantage of any type of serving 10 years ago
Short top/sidespin serve down the line 10 years ago
Best serve for backhand topspin attack 10 years ago
Kenta matsudaira tomahawk backhand serve 10 years ago
Timo Boll service 10 years ago
Sidespin backhand serve 10 years ago
Intermediate serve techniques 10 years ago
Backhand Serve 10 years ago
How to generate a backspin 10 years ago
Serving techniques 10 years ago
Service 10 years ago
How should I serve? 10 years ago
Serving short backspin services 10 years ago
Ghost Serve 10 years ago
Serving and hitting corners 10 years ago
Werner Schlager's Grip for Pendulum Serve 10 years ago
Topspin serve 10 years ago
Tomahawk follow through 10 years ago
Serving 10 years ago
Main serve 10 years ago
Timo Boll's Reverse Pendulum Side Spin Serve 10 years ago
How does one do the Timo Boll trick serve 10 years ago
Spin Serves 10 years ago
Serving - short, midrange and long 10 years ago
Mizutani serve too high 10 years ago
Ma Long, Zhang Jike and Mizutani serves 10 years ago
Serve short with spin 10 years ago
Ghost serve 10 years ago
Service 10 years ago
An amazing spin 10 years ago
How to execute the ma long pendulum serve 10 years ago
New serve for tournament 10 years ago
How to play horizontal bat side spin 10 years ago
Why slow spiny serves 10 years ago
Wang Hao serve 10 years ago
Keiko Okazaki Serve 10 years ago
Backhand serve 10 years ago
Reverse Pendulum serve 10 years ago
Ovtcharov and Elsayed Lashin's serves 10 years ago
Backhand Tomahawk Serve 10 years ago
High Toss Serve 10 years ago
Ball close to body on serve 10 years ago
Problem in hitting reverse pendulum serve 10 years ago
Servers height in the Ma Long's serve 10 years ago
Chop and sidespin pendulum 10 years ago
Reverse topspin 10 years ago
Problems with tossing balll high 10 years ago
What serve is Jun Mizutani doing 10 years ago
Victim of my own sidespin serves 10 years ago
Turning the ball on opponent's side 10 years ago
Serving heavy backspin 10 years ago
He Zhiwen serve help 10 years ago
Serves down the line 10 years ago
What serve to do as a beginner 10 years ago
Xu Xin backspin serve 10 years ago
Body movement during service action 10 years ago
Backhand serve 10 years ago
Serve low spinny 10 years ago
Serving short 10 years ago
Make the serve more complex 10 years ago
Fake motions on serves 10 years ago
Varying spin and placement of the pendulum serve 10 years ago
Gustavo Tsuboi serve 10 years ago
Tomahawk serve in Doubles 10 years ago
Improving my serves 10 years ago
Timo Boll Reverse Pendulum Serve 10 years ago
How to do a straight backspin serve 10 years ago
Serve 10 years ago
Variation of High Toss 10 years ago
Short topspin sidespin serve 10 years ago
Having multiple services 10 years ago
Chop serve 10 years ago
How to do a good top spin serve 10 years ago
Why pros end with lifted elbow after serving 10 years ago
Serve problems 10 years ago
Opponent smashes my serve 10 years ago
Types of Serves 10 years ago
Pendulum serve 10 years ago
Serving 10 years ago
Serving 10 years ago
How Many Types of Serve? 10 years ago
Service deception 10 years ago
Pendulum serves 10 years ago
Mizutani and Ma Lin's Ghost Serve 10 years ago
Arm Movement When Serving 10 years ago
Pendulum serve 10 years ago
I need help with serving 10 years ago
Reverse Pendulum Serve 10 years ago
Chinese rubber to euro rubber 10 years ago
Kenta Matsudaira Serve 10 years ago
Fast Tomahawk Serve 10 years ago
Timo Boll's serve 10 years ago
Ma Long's serve 10 years ago
Dimitrij Ovtcharov Serve 10 years ago
Type of spin 10 years ago
Curving the ball during the serve 10 years ago
The ballistic knife serve 10 years ago
How do you do a backspin? 10 years ago
How to serve a ball 10 years ago
Reverse pendulum serve in doubles 10 years ago
Serves for tournament 10 years ago
Serving placement 10 years ago
Reverse Service 10 years ago
Serving fast and accurately 10 years ago
Recovering back into position 10 years ago
Backspin without side spin 10 years ago
Spin serve 10 years ago
Serving topspin 10 years ago
How to do the ma lin serve 10 years ago
Serve of Jan-Ove Waldner 10 years ago
Backspin into sidespin 10 years ago
Pendulum serve 10 years ago
Serve Backspin 10 years ago
How to serve like Ovtcharov 10 years ago
How to do the Pendulum serve 10 years ago
Contact for Serves 10 years ago
Topspin serve 11 years ago
Serve that can bounce twice 11 years ago
Backspin service 11 years ago
How do I make a spin on a ball 11 years ago
Side spin 11 years ago
Ghost serve 11 years ago
Pendulum serve 11 years ago
Ma long's 3 Amazing Serves 11 years ago
Tomahawk Topspin & Pendulum serve toss 11 years ago
Best Serve in Doubles - Right Hander 11 years ago
Easiest and most reliable serve for beginners. 11 years ago
Service Against An Opponent 11 years ago
Serve Practicing 11 years ago
Serving 11 years ago
Powerful Serve 11 years ago
Backspin 11 years ago
Cut service 11 years ago
Popular service 11 years ago
Pendulum serve handle hitting wrist 11 years ago
Pendulum serve doesn't spin much 11 years ago
Ghost serve problem 11 years ago
Reverse Tomahawk Serve Penhold 11 years ago
Basically no spin in the Malin ghost serve? 11 years ago
My Tomahawk Serve Don't Spin A Lot 11 years ago
More serve spin 11 years ago
My Bad Jun Mizutani Serve 11 years ago
Sidespin serve hitting the net 11 years ago
How to serve reverse pendulum step by step 11 years ago
How to make serve short 11 years ago
Add more spin to a sidespin serve 11 years ago
Side spin serve 11 years ago
Ma lin backspin serve 11 years ago
Reverse pendulum serve sidespin 11 years ago
Doubles service position 11 years ago
How to disguise a short/long top spin serve 11 years ago
More spin in my services 11 years ago
Service Toss 11 years ago
Serving and equipment 11 years ago
Problem in Pendulum Topspin Serve 11 years ago
First bounce depth on the server's side of the table 11 years ago
How to do the sidespin serve 11 years ago
Twiddling on service 11 years ago
Pendulum Backspin Serve 11 years ago
Weird angle of bat while serving 11 years ago
Doubles Pendulum serve 11 years ago
Service Toss 11 years ago
Stepping loudly during a serve 11 years ago
Wang Hao Serve Punch serve 11 years ago
Ma Lin backspin serve to spin back properly 11 years ago
Spin serve 11 years ago
Grip pressure during pendulum serve 11 years ago
Adding top spin in the pendulum serve 11 years ago
Keeping serves short 11 years ago
Pendulum Serve problem 11 years ago
Spinning the ball 11 years ago
Backspin Ghost serve 11 years ago
Back spin serve bounces once on receiver end and returns 11 years ago
Side/Top spin serve 11 years ago
How to get a very spinny serve 11 years ago
Surprise serve 11 years ago
Striking the leg during serve 11 years ago
Serves 11 years ago
Backspin serve 11 years ago
Hardest serve 11 years ago
Serving modified grip 11 years ago
Disguising between Pendulum and Reverse Pendulum 11 years ago
Ma longs reverse backhand serve 11 years ago
Serving faster 11 years ago
Good serve techniques 11 years ago
Moving during service 11 years ago
Sharath achanta's reverse backspin serve 11 years ago
Different Sidespin Rotation 11 years ago
Serving with spin 11 years ago
Stomping while serving 11 years ago
Tomahawk Serve leg ache 11 years ago
Pendulum / Reverse Pendulum Serve Direction 11 years ago
Long and fast backspin serve 11 years ago
Short service refresher 11 years ago
Serving short balls 11 years ago
Float Serve 11 years ago
The ghost spin 11 years ago
Wrist movement Effect (Spin) for pendulum serve 11 years ago
Serve with deviation 11 years ago
How to come up with new services 11 years ago
Spin on the throw up when serving 11 years ago
Fast Serve 11 years ago
Best service for doubles 11 years ago
Service types 11 years ago
Serves 11 years ago
Fast and spinny pendulum serve 11 years ago
Deviated spin serve 11 years ago
Problems pendulum serve & reverse pendulum 11 years ago
3rd Ball off sidespin serve 11 years ago
How to develop a serve with all type of spin 11 years ago
Which serve is good for me 11 years ago
Serve 11 years ago
Quick serve 11 years ago
Best counter serve 11 years ago
Serving 11 years ago
Stopping a flick 11 years ago
Physics of the Serve 11 years ago
Pendulum Serve position and grip 11 years ago
Switching hands 11 years ago
How much spin am I getting 11 years ago
Service spin 11 years ago
Backspin serve grip 11 years ago
Why is my spin not working 11 years ago
Fast Service Low or High? 11 years ago
Fast ball serve errors 11 years ago
Strangest Serve 11 years ago
Different between Topspin and Sidespin serve 11 years ago
Ma Long serve 11 years ago
High Toss Reverse serve 11 years ago
Back in position after serving 11 years ago
Backspin serve that comes back 11 years ago
Side spin serve tutorial 11 years ago
Serve 11 years ago
Ghost Serve 11 years ago
My Service :) 11 years ago
Backspin on the pendulum serve 11 years ago
Different service 11 years ago
Hammer and Tomahawk serve 11 years ago
Ma Lin backspin serve 11 years ago
High Toss serving problem 11 years ago
Timo boll pendulum serves 11 years ago
Wang hao serves 11 years ago
Sidespin serve with double bounce 11 years ago
How should I hold the paddle while serving 11 years ago
Pendulum sidespin serve 11 years ago
Corkscrew Serve 11 years ago
Side spin serve 11 years ago
Odd serve 11 years ago
Maximum sidespin 11 years ago
Left Hand Service 11 years ago
How to practice services 11 years ago
Corkscrew Serve 11 years ago
Serving short with a lot of spin 11 years ago
Changing grip 11 years ago
Practising serves 11 years ago
Backspin sidespin serve contact point 11 years ago
Why elbow while serving 11 years ago
Fast ball service 11 years ago
New Serve 11 years ago
Hitting a lefty's backhand sidespin flick 11 years ago
What is the best service for the forehand. 11 years ago
Topspin serving 11 years ago
How does Jan Ove Waldner serve 11 years ago
Can you help me on my reverse pendulum serve 11 years ago
Doubles serve 11 years ago
Throwing the ball when doing High Toss Serve 11 years ago
Serving long 11 years ago
Making serve harder for opponent 11 years ago
Hand and finger when serving fast pendulum 11 years ago
I keep losing my power in the serve 11 years ago
Wang Liqin serve 11 years ago
Light flash 11 years ago
More power on Reverse Pendulum Serve 11 years ago
How to do backspin serve 11 years ago
Shakehand grip serve 11 years ago
More spin than the High Toss 11 years ago
Alois serve v Italy 11 years ago
Reverse Pendulum services 11 years ago
Serving flat and fast 11 years ago
Pendulum Serve Tips 11 years ago
Pen hold punch service 11 years ago
More effective backspin serve 11 years ago
Good serves 11 years ago
Kenta Matsudaira service. 11 years ago
More Power on The Reverse Pendulum Serve 11 years ago
Changing your grip after serve 11 years ago
How to serve a backspin serve like Ma Lin. 11 years ago
How many serves do you need 11 years ago
Topspin Service 11 years ago
Services to and from left handers 11 years ago
Alois serve 11 years ago
Backspin sidespin across 11 years ago
Serving Pendulum 11 years ago
Ghost serve - is it my point 11 years ago
Kenta Matsudaira serve 11 years ago
Topspin service 11 years ago
Par Gerrell's serve 11 years ago
Generating spin in a reverse pendulum serve 11 years ago
Fast punch serve 11 years ago
High Toss Problems 11 years ago
Serve that changes direction 11 years ago
Backspin across 11 years ago
Practicing alone in long fast serve 11 years ago
Serving lower 11 years ago
Sidespin topspin serve 11 years ago
Great Service with Spin 11 years ago
Serving Fast 11 years ago
Strategy/ Throwing the ball higher in the serve 11 years ago
Dimitrij Ovtcharov's Tomahawk serve 11 years ago
Dimitrij Ovtcharov service spin 11 years ago
Michael Maze serve 11 years ago
Pendulum Topspin Serve 11 years ago
Faking your serve 11 years ago
Serving 11 years ago
Pendulum serve consistency 11 years ago
Ma Lin serve 11 years ago
Ma Long service 11 years ago
Progressing Pendulum Serve 11 years ago
Seiya Kishikawa serve 11 years ago
Wang jian Jun's Serve 11 years ago
Ma Longs serve spin 11 years ago
Maximizing the spin 11 years ago
Can't curve the ball with penhold 11 years ago
Turning fast 11 years ago
Serving practice 11 years ago
High Toss Service 11 years ago
Service 11 years ago
Doing a fast serve with no spin 11 years ago
Simon Gerada's serve 11 years ago
Serving and receiving spin 11 years ago
Serving with the long pips side 11 years ago
Serving under the leg 11 years ago
Dimitrij Ovtcharov serve 11 years ago
Backspin serve 11 years ago
Serving, Spin and footwork 11 years ago
Different serving styles 11 years ago
Forehand Pendulum serve (with backspin) 11 years ago
Tactics using the Ma Lin service 11 years ago
Side spin 11 years ago
Kong Linghui's backhand serve 11 years ago
Serve 11 years ago
Racket angle 11 years ago
Serves 11 years ago
The ma lin serve 11 years ago
Spin on Serve 11 years ago
Topspin sidespin serve 11 years ago
Mastering the long fast serve 11 years ago
Ma Lin Serve one bounce 11 years ago
Serving far from the table 11 years ago
Inverse spin serve 11 years ago
Reverse tomahawk serve 11 years ago
Indicator for spin serves 11 years ago
How many diferent serves? 11 years ago
Contact points for various serves 11 years ago
MA long serve 11 years ago
Short heavy backspin backhand serve 11 years ago
Reverse pendulum service 11 years ago
J O Waldner serve 11 years ago
Faking serve 11 years ago
Kenta Matsudaira serve 11 years ago
Ghost Serve of Ma Lin 11 years ago
Spin serve 11 years ago
Backspin sidespin serve placement? 11 years ago
Short serves 11 years ago
Werner schlager serve 11 years ago
Reverse or Backhand Tomahawk Serve 11 years ago
Reverse tomahawk serve 11 years ago
Table Tennis Serve 11 years ago
Variation serves 11 years ago
Topspin serve 11 years ago
How to do the Ma long serve 11 years ago
How to serve like zhang jike 11 years ago
Chop serve 11 years ago
Pendulum serve.. 11 years ago
Michael maze serve 11 years ago
Very sidespin serve 11 years ago
The Forehand Serve Standing Position 11 years ago
Backspin Pendulum Serve 11 years ago
Side chop serve 11 years ago
What serve is best for a 3rd ball attack? 11 years ago
Down the line serve 11 years ago
Generating spin on the reverse pendulum 11 years ago
Forehand Backspin Serve 11 years ago
How to do this serve 11 years ago
Topspin serve 11 years ago
Wang Liqin serve 11 years ago
Fake movements on my serve 11 years ago
Small Advantages When Serving 11 years ago
J O Waldner Serve 11 years ago
Generating spin on the backhand serve 11 years ago
Pendulum Serve : Elbow 11 years ago
Reverse Tomahawk Serve 11 years ago
Legal Serve 11 years ago
Ma Longs service 11 years ago
Pendulum serve 11 years ago
Weird serve 11 years ago
Copying the serve of Ma Long 11 years ago
Side Spin Serve 11 years ago
Ma Long's Pendulum Serve 11 years ago
Chop serve & Ovtcharov's racket holding style 11 years ago
Dimitrij Ovtcharov's Serves 11 years ago
Kenta Matsudaira's Serve 11 years ago
Backspin serve for a 3rd ball 11 years ago
Werner Schlager's Serve 11 years ago
Tricky Serve 11 years ago
Feng Tian Wei's serves 11 years ago
Stomping When Serving 11 years ago
Serving with heavy sidespin 11 years ago
Service Stance 11 years ago
Turning a serve both ways 11 years ago
How to do a pendulum serve ? 11 years ago
High toss spin serve 11 years ago
How to work on new serves 11 years ago
Serve selection after let 11 years ago
Saque 11 years ago
Long Backspin and Short topspin serves 11 years ago
serve posture 11 years ago
Fast backspin serve 11 years ago
Getting more spin 11 years ago
How to do a perfect spin 11 years ago
How to make a googly spin 11 years ago
Table Tennis advanced spin service 11 years ago
He Zhi Wen's Serve 11 years ago
What is the best serve 11 years ago
High Toss Serve 11 years ago
Pendulum chop serve 11 years ago
Backspin side spin serve 11 years ago
Grip for serving 11 years ago
Zhang jike's serve 11 years ago
Ma Lin with shakehand 11 years ago
Serves from our forehand corner 11 years ago
Drop Serves 11 years ago
Kinds of Sidespin 11 years ago
3rd BALL Attack 11 years ago
What spin? 11 years ago
Fast backspin serve 11 years ago
Better serve 11 years ago
Asuka Sakai Fast Serve 11 years ago
Penhold serves 11 years ago
Placement of a side spin serve 11 years ago
Easy Serves for a beginner 11 years ago
How to do a sidespin serve 11 years ago
Left-handed service in Doubles 11 years ago
Ovtcharov serve 11 years ago
Service for a novice 11 years ago
Serving Diagonally 11 years ago
Serving choices 11 years ago
Ma Long serve 11 years ago
Spinning serves 11 years ago
Pendulum Backspin Serve 11 years ago
Copying serving 11 years ago
Serving heavy backspin 11 years ago
Ma lin serve 11 years ago
Improving my game 11 years ago
Forward spin serve 11 years ago
Different action service 11 years ago
Pendulum serves 11 years ago
Pendulum serving problems 11 years ago
Short pendulum serves 12 years ago
Ding Ning's serve 12 years ago
Reverse pendulum serve 12 years ago
Increasing consistency of serve 12 years ago
Flat Fast Pendulum Serve 12 years ago
Half long backspin serve 12 years ago
Fast serving 12 years ago
Short serves 12 years ago
Pendulum serve 12 years ago
Why High Toss Serve 12 years ago
Tips on learning serves 12 years ago
Fake Movement (serve) 12 years ago
MA lin serves 12 years ago
Learning serves 12 years ago
Ma Lin Serve 12 years ago
Serving technique 12 years ago
He Zhi Wen serve 12 years ago
Fukuoka Serve 12 years ago
Backhand backspin serve 12 years ago
Serving down the line 12 years ago
Spin Problem on Pendulum Serve 12 years ago
Service Toss 12 years ago
How to do Zhang Jike's serve 12 years ago
Grip For Ma Lin Serve 12 years ago
Ma lin Ghost Serve 12 years ago
Serving Grip 12 years ago
Reverse Pendulum grip 12 years ago
Pros and Cons of Pendulum 12 years ago
Serve like the Chinese 12 years ago
I hate pendulum 12 years ago
Serve like Waldner 12 years ago
Reverse pendulum serve 12 years ago
Samsonov's Serve 12 years ago
Ghost serve problems 12 years ago
Serving 12 years ago
Sidespin Pendulum Serve 12 years ago
Ma Lin's serve 12 years ago
How to serve 12 years ago
Pendulum serve 12 years ago
Serve for the 3rd ball attack 12 years ago
Making a topspin serve 12 years ago
Repeating a serve 12 years ago
Backhand serve height 12 years ago
Serving backspin and topspin variations 12 years ago
Start of the pendulum serve 12 years ago
Action on pendulum serve 12 years ago
Serves 12 years ago
Pendulum/reverse pendulum serve 12 years ago
Reverse Pendulum Serve 12 years ago
Side backspin 12 years ago
Service Drills 12 years ago
Serving short 12 years ago
Faster serve 12 years ago
Speed on Reverse Pendulum serve 12 years ago
Float serve 12 years ago
Henzell's serve 12 years ago
Doubles signals 12 years ago
Reverse pendulum ghost spin 12 years ago
Ma Lin Incredible serve 12 years ago
Petr Korbel's serve 12 years ago
Serving short 12 years ago
Topspin Tomahawk Serve 12 years ago
Pendulum Serve 12 years ago
Speed up service 12 years ago
Tomahawk serve corrections 12 years ago
Serving Ma Lin Backspin serve 12 years ago
Dimitrij Ovtcharov's serve 12 years ago
Fast Tomahawk 12 years ago
Curving your serve 12 years ago
Balance after tomahawk serve 12 years ago
Not enough spin 12 years ago
Serve like Joo Se Hyuk 12 years ago
Backhand tomhawk serve 12 years ago
Pendulum Serve 12 years ago
Penhold serving 12 years ago
Pendulum serve 12 years ago
Serve with spin 12 years ago
Serving for Left Handers 12 years ago
Slow spinny topspin serve 12 years ago
How to do the Pendulum and Reverse PendulumServes 12 years ago
Efficient serve using shakehand 12 years ago
Serving in Doubles 12 years ago
ma long serving spin 12 years ago
Werner Schlager's Serve 12 years ago
Schlagers serve 12 years ago
Basic sidespin 12 years ago
Serving with spin 12 years ago
Dimitrij Ovtcharov forehand sidespin serve 12 years ago
Finger position for serve 12 years ago
Short Topspin Serve 12 years ago
Placement of Serves 12 years ago
Kong Linghui serve 12 years ago
My pendulum serve 12 years ago
Long Backspin Serve 12 years ago
How to serve topspin tomahawk 12 years ago
Beginner Server 12 years ago
Ma Lin's serve 12 years ago
How to do a fast pendulum serve 12 years ago
Reverse pendulum sidespin and topspin serve 12 years ago
Placement of Reverse Pendulum Serve 12 years ago
Best serve 12 years ago
What serve is the best 12 years ago
Ideal third ball 12 years ago
Reverse pendulum techniques 12 years ago
Different serves: Pros and Cons 12 years ago
Performing the reverse pendulum serve 12 years ago
Tomahawk backspin 12 years ago
Corkspin 12 years ago
Serving with extreme spin 12 years ago
Rip the ball during service 12 years ago
Why spin serves 12 years ago
Better serves 12 years ago
Reverse PS Wrist or Arm 12 years ago
Reverse pendulum backspin serve 12 years ago
Par Gerell serve with underspin 12 years ago
Problem with reverse pendulum serve 12 years ago
Increasing Serve Spin 12 years ago
Ghost serve 12 years ago
Jan Ove Waldner Serve 12 years ago
Long and fast serve 12 years ago
High Toss serve purpose 12 years ago
Backhand sidespin serve 12 years ago
Short and fast serve 12 years ago
Heavy Backspin Serve 12 years ago
Serve spin or speed 12 years ago
Are short soft serves better than long hard serves 12 years ago
Disguise On Serve 12 years ago
Fast serve 12 years ago
The best serve 12 years ago
How to serve ball 12 years ago
Tomahawk Serve 12 years ago
Training serves 12 years ago
Serving grip 12 years ago
Tomahawk topspin 12 years ago
Service variation in matches 12 years ago
Throwing the ball up 12 years ago
Serve strategy 12 years ago
Schlager's serve 12 years ago
Flat Serve 12 years ago
What kind of serve against modern defender 12 years ago
Fast Penhold serve 12 years ago
Reverse serve 12 years ago
Pendulum and reverse pendulum serve 12 years ago
Service 12 years ago
Serving spin 12 years ago
Tips for the reverse pendulum 12 years ago
Ma Lin serve tutorial please 12 years ago
tomahawk service 12 years ago
Serve 12 years ago
More spin on the serve 12 years ago
Finding a simple serve 12 years ago
Waldner´s serve 12 years ago
Serve with spin 12 years ago
Professional serve 12 years ago
Backhand serve 12 years ago
Serving short and wide 12 years ago
Fast Service 12 years ago
Samsonov serve 12 years ago
Penhold Backspin Serve 12 years ago
Good serve for a third ball 12 years ago
Serve point of contact 12 years ago
How to serve a spin 12 years ago
Side spin 12 years ago
Persson's serve 12 years ago
Help with reverse pendulum serve 12 years ago
Watching the ball while serving 12 years ago
Backhand Tomahawk 12 years ago
Pendulum serve variations 12 years ago
Why does this happen on my tomahawk 12 years ago
Schlager and Samsonov serves 12 years ago
How to spin all of my serves 12 years ago
High toss topspin serve 12 years ago
how to learn the reverse chop serve 12 years ago
Service rule problems 12 years ago
Damage serve 12 years ago
serve-hide spin 12 years ago
Proper position after service 12 years ago
Speed and spinny backhand serve 12 years ago
heavy underspin chop serve 12 years ago
Penhold Reverse Pendulum Backspin 12 years ago
Ma lin Service 12 years ago
Zhang Jike serve 12 years ago
Waldner's serve 12 years ago
High Tossing the ball while serving 12 years ago
Different types of serves 12 years ago
High toss serve 12 years ago
Position after backhand serve 12 years ago
Deceptive serves 12 years ago
Hirano's Punch Serve 12 years ago
Ma Lin's serve against Waldner 12 years ago
Why Pendulum Backspin 12 years ago
Spin Serve 12 years ago
Serving deceptive movements 12 years ago
Ghost and heavy chop serve 12 years ago
Serving with backspin 12 years ago
Reverse Pendulum Backspin serve 12 years ago
How to make the return slow 12 years ago
Ovtcharov, Schlager and Samsonov serving 12 years ago
High Toss serve throw 12 years ago
Ma Long serve 12 years ago
Ghost serve 3rd ball 12 years ago
Serving to Antispin rubber 12 years ago
Serving 12 years ago
Backspin serve 12 years ago
Side Spin Serves 12 years ago
Backhand Serves 12 years ago
Serving fast in competition 12 years ago
Serving From Far Away 12 years ago
Varying the Speed of Short Serves 12 years ago
Lucky serve 12 years ago
Hight Toss backspin serve for lefties 12 years ago
Tomahawk serve.. 12 years ago
Backspin and no spin serve 12 years ago
Spin on the serve 12 years ago
Reverse pendulum serve 12 years ago
Best serve techniques for tall opponent 12 years ago
Backspin Serve 12 years ago
Grip for Fast Low Serve 12 years ago
Effective serve 12 years ago
Serving problems 12 years ago
Where to serve to a left hander 12 years ago
Service Variation 12 years ago
Best serve techniques for doubles 12 years ago
Domino Serve 12 years ago
Fast serve with penhold grip 12 years ago
Different Spins on Serves 12 years ago
A penhold service 12 years ago
Ma Long serves 12 years ago
Best serve 12 years ago
Reverse serve variation 12 years ago
Unusual serve 12 years ago
My serve gets smashed 12 years ago
How to increase spin in your serve 12 years ago
Varying serves 12 years ago
Serve that comes back over net 12 years ago
Sidespin backspin Serving 12 years ago
Sidespin Topspin Serve 12 years ago
Punch serve 12 years ago
Brushing the ball 12 years ago
Illegal serving 12 years ago
Serve curve at the second bounce 12 years ago
Ghost service 12 years ago
Forehand tomahawk serve short 12 years ago
Pendulum serve being attacked 12 years ago
Zhang Jike serve 12 years ago
Song Hongyuan serve 12 years ago
Follow up after service 12 years ago
Deceptive serving 12 years ago
Spin on serves 12 years ago
Effective serves 12 years ago
Serve with backspin 12 years ago
Reverse pendulum serve 12 years ago
Throwing the ball 12 years ago
What makes Schalager's serve effective 12 years ago
Pendulumn serve 12 years ago
Legal serve ? 12 years ago
Movements before the serve 12 years ago
Ma Lin serve 12 years ago
Float serve 12 years ago
Backspin serve 12 years ago
Werner Schlager's Serve 12 years ago
Serves 12 years ago
Serving 12 years ago
Serving problem 12 years ago
Serve 12 years ago
Serving with low dwell time rubbers 12 years ago
Effects of the serves 12 years ago
Different types of serves 12 years ago
Ma Long serves 12 years ago
Backspin serve 12 years ago
Serving better 12 years ago
The Best Serve 12 years ago
Werner Schlager's Serve 12 years ago
Penhold Server Shakehand Player 12 years ago
What spin is this? 12 years ago
Par Gerell Hook serve problems 12 years ago
Best serve to learn 12 years ago
How to do ma lin serve 12 years ago
Double Hit Pendulum serve 12 years ago
Improving My Serves 12 years ago
Pendulum and Reverse Pendulum 12 years ago
What type of serve should I play? 12 years ago
Penhold Grip Serve 12 years ago
Fast spin serve 12 years ago
Penhold Service 12 years ago
The Float Serve - with a fast action 12 years ago
Reverse pendulum serve 12 years ago
Pendulum vs Tomahawk serve 12 years ago
Backhand Service help 12 years ago
Pendulum Serve 12 years ago
Fast Reverse Tomahawk 12 years ago
Reverse pendulum serve with penhold grip 12 years ago
Pendulum service 12 years ago
The best serve 12 years ago
Service problems 12 years ago
Serve 12 years ago
How to do different services? 12 years ago
Pendulum serve 12 years ago
Better serve 12 years ago
Best serve 12 years ago
Opponents Return of Serve is too fast 12 years ago
Backhand serve 12 years ago
Ghost serve 12 years ago
Reverse pendulum 12 years ago
Ai Fukuhara and Timo Boll serves 12 years ago
Reverse Tomahawk 12 years ago
Pendulum Serve grips 12 years ago
Service 12 years ago
Ma lin serve and pendulum movement 12 years ago
Pendulum Serve 12 years ago
how to do a serve that comes back to you 12 years ago
ma long new stance serve 12 years ago
disguising spin 12 years ago
Serve 12 years ago
Pendulum serve & reverse. 12 years ago
Service and service stance 12 years ago
Serving strategy 12 years ago
side spin 12 years ago
Pendulum serve & reverse. 12 years ago
serve 12 years ago
How do i make the pendulum serve? 12 years ago
Tomahawk serve 12 years ago
Serving help 12 years ago
Best service 12 years ago
boom shake shake shake da room 12 years ago
Pendulum Serve 12 years ago
ma long serve position 12 years ago
Serving for a Tournament 12 years ago
Reverse Pendulum serve 12 years ago
Pendulum fast serve... 12 years ago
Wrist in Serving 12 years ago
efficient serve 12 years ago
How many serves 12 years ago
Service placement 12 years ago
3rd ball problems 12 years ago
service deception 13 years ago
New serve 13 years ago
Tossing problem 13 years ago
Serving in doubles 13 years ago
Double bouncing serves - how to 13 years ago
ma lin service 13 years ago
spin serve 13 years ago
How to serve a pendulum serve 13 years ago
Sidespin serve 13 years ago
Pendulum Serve 13 years ago
backspin serve 13 years ago
best serve 13 years ago
Adding even more spin 13 years ago
How to perform a ghost serve? 13 years ago
Pendulum Serving 13 years ago
reverse pendulum serve 13 years ago
Pendulum serve 13 years ago
Serving fast and short 13 years ago
Remembering how to serve 13 years ago
Serving short with spin 13 years ago
The Ghost Serve! 13 years ago
serving with spin 13 years ago
How to improve serve? 13 years ago
Getting the Tomahawk Serve right 13 years ago
Serving a fast and short serve 13 years ago
serving topspin balls without getting in trouble 13 years ago
Pendulum backspin serve 13 years ago
Reverse pendulum serve contact height 13 years ago
Dead ball serve 13 years ago
Varying the flight of serves 13 years ago
Brushing contact 13 years ago
serving to gain advantage 13 years ago
topspin serve 13 years ago
Can You Make Video On All About Side- Spin Serve 13 years ago
Forehand double motion servs 13 years ago
Serving habits 13 years ago
serving short 13 years ago
Keeping serves short with backspin? 13 years ago
Serving Penhold Grip 13 years ago
Getting the ball to come back 13 years ago
How to do the pendulum service 13 years ago
Serving with backspin 13 years ago
Serving like champions 13 years ago
How do I perform a Sidespin Serve 13 years ago
Brushing serves too thin 13 years ago
Other Views of Pendulum Serve 13 years ago
Tossing the ball while serving 13 years ago
reverse pendulum 13 years ago
Which grip for more spin 13 years ago
serving tactics for intermediate players 13 years ago
Serves 13 years ago
First bounce on serve 13 years ago
serving wide 13 years ago
Serving spin variation 13 years ago
Disadvantages of serves 13 years ago
the service 13 years ago
Serve and Rubber 13 years ago
Reverse Pendulum Spin Problem 13 years ago
ma lin serve 13 years ago
service, effects and ball contact 13 years ago
wang hao serve 13 years ago
fast services 13 years ago
how do i make my ghost serve work 13 years ago
serving short 13 years ago
reverse services 13 years ago
penhold serve 13 years ago
pendulum serve trouble 13 years ago
Favourite service 13 years ago
Ma lin's heavy sidespin serve 13 years ago
Reverse Pendulum serve with backspin 13 years ago
Serving with a different grip 13 years ago
More spin on serves 13 years ago
hiding the serve legally? 13 years ago
Serving at a high level 13 years ago
Serving swings 13 years ago
Serving 13 years ago
Low Sidespin Serve 13 years ago
How to fix a high serve 13 years ago
Backspin serve 13 years ago
side spin serves 13 years ago
Serving Position 13 years ago
How to play forehand sidespin serve 13 years ago
Ghost Serve 13 years ago
How do I serve with spin? 13 years ago
Service Placement 13 years ago
Serve 13 years ago
How to perform the ghost serve 13 years ago
serving 13 years ago
Which Serve is the Best? 13 years ago
Topspin service 13 years ago
Topspin Serves 13 years ago
Fast Backhand Serve 13 years ago
Alois pendulum serve 13 years ago
Serves used by Chinese women players 13 years ago
Tomahawk Forehand and Backhand Serve 13 years ago
marks on the rubber 13 years ago
Timo bolls serve 13 years ago
Double bouncing serves 13 years ago
Serving 13 years ago
Watching good servers 13 years ago
Serving - Ball path 13 years ago
service rule 13 years ago
Number of Serves 13 years ago
BH serve 13 years ago
Serve 13 years ago
Pendulum Serve direction 13 years ago
Pendulum Serve 13 years ago
Heavy spin serves 13 years ago
Waldner's serve 13 years ago
Sidespin serve 13 years ago
Fast serve 13 years ago
To look or not to look at ball while serving 13 years ago
weird spin (?) 13 years ago
Purpose of placing and spin in serving 13 years ago
toma hawk serve 13 years ago
Serving practice 13 years ago
reverse pendulum serve 13 years ago
Tournament 13 years ago
Serving with Concentration 13 years ago
The Ma Lin Ghost serve 13 years ago
Serving a back-side spin serve. 13 years ago
Serving contact 13 years ago
Serving 13 years ago
Pendulum serve angles 13 years ago
being short #2 13 years ago
Serving questions... 13 years ago
tossing the ball in serves 13 years ago
Spin in Service 13 years ago
being short 13 years ago
Pendulum Serve 13 years ago
Service 13 years ago
grip change 13 years ago
Generating Spin... 13 years ago
Applying More Spin on Serve 13 years ago
side spin serve 13 years ago
pendulum service habit 13 years ago
Backspin-Sidespin Pendulum? 13 years ago
Perfect serve 13 years ago
help me a good serve 13 years ago
Ball contact w/ bat on service 13 years ago
Pendulum Serve help 13 years ago
confusing style for both sidespin and reverse topspin 13 years ago
flexibility of my wrist 13 years ago
Service against pimples 13 years ago
serving short when playing doubles 13 years ago
Spin on serves 13 years ago
serves 14 years ago
serving a side backspin serve...and is wrist important? 14 years ago
ghost serve 14 years ago
can u post a video on how to do a sidespin serve? 14 years ago
Serves 14 years ago
Spinning serves 14 years ago
How to do an ace serve? 14 years ago
back-sidespin serve 14 years ago
How to learn a fast serve 14 years ago
Serve 14 years ago
Float serve 14 years ago
Serve 14 years ago
What is the Best Way to execute a short serve? 14 years ago
Reverse pendulum serve 14 years ago
Left handed serving in doubles play 14 years ago
Backspin serve 14 years ago
How to add spin to a serve? 14 years ago
Serving Secrets Revealed 14 years ago
Pendulum serve 14 years ago
Generating Spin 14 years ago
I Love Serving Secrets Revealed 14 years ago
pendulm serves 14 years ago
Pendulum Serve 14 years ago
Thanks PingSkills! 15 years ago
The pendulum serve 15 years ago
inside out service 15 years ago
More Effective Backspin Serve 15 years ago
Serving 15 years ago
A Better Serve 15 years ago
Just started... 15 years ago
Reverse Pendulum 15 years ago
How Can I Generate More Spin? 15 years ago
Sidespin Serve Motion 15 years ago
Sidespin service 15 years ago
Short and Tight spin 15 years ago
Pendulum serves 15 years ago
Serve 15 years ago
Sidespin serve 15 years ago
Type of serves? 15 years ago
Backhand Serve 15 years ago
Corkscrew serve 15 years ago
Easy serve with spin? 15 years ago
Serving Position 16 years ago
Getting a Better Serve 16 years ago
side spin serve , longhand style 16 years ago
Pendulum Serve 16 years ago
Tomahawk Serve 16 years ago
Side Backspin Serve 16 years ago
How to Serve Reverse Spin 16 years ago
Serve 16 years ago
Yet another serving question 16 years ago
Backspin services 16 years ago
serve 16 years ago
Serving problem 16 years ago
Another Serving Question 16 years ago
Secrets to the serve 16 years ago
Serve Details 16 years ago
Services 16 years ago
Putting spins on double-bounces. 16 years ago
Sidespin serving 16 years ago
Long Serve Placement 16 years ago
Services 16 years ago
height 16 years ago
Serving style 16 years ago
side spin serve 16 years ago
Problem with spin 16 years ago
Serving 16 years ago
Reverse pendulum serve 16 years ago
Secrets of putting Spin on Serves 16 years ago
Serve 16 years ago
serve 16 years ago
Point of contact? 16 years ago
How to return concealed short combination spin serve? 16 years ago
Pure backspin serve ? 16 years ago
Serve 16 years ago
side spin serve 16 years ago
How can i improve my accuracy in serving? 16 years ago